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文昌鱼是适合在温暖海中的动物。Amphioxus is suitable for the warmth of the sea animals.

文昌鱼的雌体与雄体外形相同,但生殖腺不同。Amphioxus the male and female body shape of the same, but different gonad.

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文昌鱼藉身体的迅速运动而在洋底钻洞。Amphioxus body by the rapid movement and drilling holes in the ocean floor.

中国文昌鱼肽聚糖识别蛋白B.b.PGRP及其制备方法和应用。China amphioxus peptidoglycan recognition protein B. b. PGRP, its production and use.

文昌鱼代表由无脊椎动物进化到脊椎动物的过渡类型。Amphioxus represents the transitional type of animals from invertebrate to vertebrate.

此外还对文昌鱼胚胎的冷冻保存进行了初步探索。And the primary research on cryopreservation of amphioxus embryos was also carried out.

本研究还对文昌鱼胚胎的冷冻保存进行了初步探索。Finally, the thesis also described a primary research on cryopreservation of amphioxus embryos.

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文昌鱼前端有眼点,为视觉器,下为前庭及口口叫“口笠”。" Amphioxus front of a focus for the visual, under the vestibular and word of mouth is "I enterprises.

嗣后这些动物在那海域繁衍昌盛,当地渔民也以捕文昌鱼为生了。Subsequently these animals produce prosperity in the area, local fishermen to catch Amphioxus a living.

简要描述了文昌鱼的数量分布和一些生态特征。The quantitative distributions and other ecological characters tics of amphioxus are briefly described.

文昌鱼是研究脊椎动物起源与进化十分珍贵的模式动物。Amphioxus is becoming an emerging model organism for insights into the origin and evolution of vertebrates.

文昌鱼虽能游泳,但大部分时间将身体埋在洋底的砂砾或泥中。Amphioxus Although able to swim, but most of the time the body will be buried in the ocean floor in the gravel or mud.

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根据以上研究结果,本文提出了厦门海域文昌鱼资源的保护建议。On the basis of these results suggestions were formulated regarding amphioxus resource protection in the Xiamen sea area.

文昌鱼的滤食活动有助于净化水体,文昌鱼数量多的水域通常是清洁的。Amphioxus the activities will help filter drinking water purification, a large number of Amphioxus waters are usually clean.

引物OPC12扩增产物250bp为雄性文昌鱼所特有,可能为区别性别的分子标记。Results proved that OPC-12z5o owned only by male amphioxus could be used as a molecular genetic marker of the sexual identification.

方永强,齐襄,洪桂英1989促性腺激素释放激素类似物诱导文昌鱼产卵的初步研究。Fang , Y. Q. , X. Qi and G. Y. Hong 1989 Study of gonadotropin releasing hormone analogue induced spawning of Amphioxus . J . of Oceanog2

因为文昌鱼没有脊椎骨,因此不容易留下化石的遗迹,但以上所述足以说明文昌鱼是活的见证物了。Amphioxus not because the spine and is therefore not easy to leave the fossil remains, but the above illustrates Amphioxus is the witness of the living.

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文昌鱼的鳃裂不直接通向体表面开孔,而被皮肤和肌肉包裹着,形成一对特殊的“围鳃腔”。Amphioxus the branchial cleft not directly to the surface opening, which was wrapped with skin and muscle, the formation of a special "Wai gill chamber."

我国在尚未发现有文昌鱼前,为了教学上的需要,以极高昂的价格向国外高价购买文昌鱼,因此而丧失外汇不少。China has not yet found amphioxus , teaching to the needs of a very high price to buy expensive foreign amphioxus , and the loss of many foreign exchange.

与鲻鱼甲状腺相比,文昌鱼内柱的结构更为原始,仅是部分区带演变为甲状腺激素分泌细胞,而其余区带仍与摄食相关。Compared with the thyroid gland of grey mullet, the endostyle of amphioxus is primitive. It is an open groove and has lots of cillia adjacent to the pharynx lumen.