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关税已经显著地下降。Tariffs have come down significantly.

红鱼粉含量对特定生长率影响显著。The RFM content affects SGR significantly.

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那将极大地改变未来。That would change the future significantly.

骨髓有核细胞计数也显著性降低。CFU-GM and BMC also decreased significantly.

雌性绿森蚺要较雄性更大一些。Females are significantly larger than males.

成功的非匹配相当神速。A successful non-match is significantly faster.

私营部门的就业增长大幅减缓。Private-sector job growth slowed significantly.

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现在能看到DRAM的价格明显涨了。You've seen the DRAM price go up significantly.

大口径舰炮的伤害增加。Increased the damage of carronades significantly.

增加桩长能有效减少沉降。Long pile can significantly reduce the settlement.

使用的系统文件描述符明显减少。Significantly fewer system file descriptors are used.

腐蚀不应明显地降低可靠性。Corrosion should not significantly reduce reliability.

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炎症标志物也大大地降低。Markers of inflammation were also significantly lower.

使身体变得均匀和苗条。Significantly and effectively slims up the whole body.

这个事故发生的概率是很高的This is a significantly high probability of accidents.

在公开发行之后,混乱显著增长。After the public release chaos increases significantly.

目前全球化大大推动了人才流动这一进程。Globalization has accelerated this trend significantly.

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大鼠用药后血液凝固时间显著延长。Rat blood coagulation time was significantly prolonged.

这种自我批评有效的制止你不敢前进。That type of self criticism is significantly deterring.

在CS4版本中,用户界面进行了显著的简化。The user interface was significantly simplified in CS4.