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多回路测试功能。Multi-loop test facility.

生产设备。The manufacturing facility.

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这座核设施也是在俄罗斯的帮助下才建成的。Russia helped build the facility.

MP2容纳任何大小的设施。MP2 accommodates any size facility.

一段弧形的屋顶覆盖了这个建筑。A wave-shaped roof caps the facility.

定期拍卖机制不同。The term auction facility is different.

在娱乐室里打个盹。Taking a nap in the recreation facility.

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苏门答腊大象的训练设施Training Facility for Sumatran Elephants

他画起山水画儿来得心应手。He paints landscapes with great facility.

你的设施有动作检波器吗?Does your facility have motion detectors ?

确认敌人设施摧毁!AWACS Thunderhead Enemy facility destroyed!

注意,这个地方有看门狗!Attention, the facility is guarded by dogs!

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基金的沃洛普斯飞行指挥中心。The Wallops Flight Facility command center.

公司设施规划和调整计划。Company facility layout and adjustment plan.

必须编订有效的清洁时间表。Facility has an effective cleaning schedule.

他弹奏钢琴神乎其技。He plays the piano with surprising facility.

共有六面排球场,附有夜间照明设备。Six courts in total, with lighting facility.

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瑞秋·佐伊因其作为造型师的出色才能而出名。Zoe is famous for her facility as a stylist.

设施将有记录的保留节目。Facility will have a documented hold program.

三年以上厂务设施方面工作经验。Minimum 3 years experience in Facility field.