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这座大楼将转交给其长子。The building will devolve to his eldest son.

中央政府已决定将权力下放给地方。The central government has decided to devolve authority on the regions.

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带着诅咒的宿命,照亮黑暗。我不久就会转化为一团。Lighting darkness, with fate unblessed , I soon devolve to shapeless mess.

当我恢复食用精加工食品后,便会觉得大脑好像堕入了云里雾里。When I devolve into eating refined foods, I feel as if I have a fog of brain.

多数改革者希望权利下放,但是这对于一个想事事揽怀的政府来说是难以接受的。Most reformers want to devolve power, but for a government that likes to control things this is hard to accept.

外国官员和分析家们称,今年的小规模冲突很可能会发展成为军事冲突。Foreign officials and analysts say the skirmishes this year have great potential to devolve into military conflict.

他相信艾伦夫妇和他们做了那么多年邻居,早就知道他们的底细了。再说,他还认识那个将来要继承富勒顿产业的青年。The Allens, he believed, had lived near them too long, and he knew the young man on whom the Fullerton estate must devolve.

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这或许需要对转移和扩散权力作出承诺,与实际上可能通过促成“多种否定观点”的做法差不多。This might entail a commitment to devolve and diffuse power as much as practicably possible by fostering ' multiple-veto points.

这些争论根本与手头的业务问题关系甚微,如果有的话也非常少,并退化为书生气十足的语义学争论。These arguments relate little, if at all, to the business problem at hand and tend to devolve into pedantic arguments of semantics.

Hassan在最近的一次访谈中告诉本网站说,他希望TWAS将继续从得里亚斯特走向各个地区,并成为发展中国家科学问题的一个主要参与者。that he hopes TWAS will continue to devolve from Trieste into the regions and become a major player in developing world science issues.

朋友们给我安排相亲的时候我会提醒他们,大部分的婚姻很快就变成了没有爱、没有灵魂的一种关系。Friends would try to set me up with girls and I’d remind them that most marriages quickly devolve into loveless, soul-crushing arrangements.

“我交出权力的想法不等于我不再承担责任的意愿”达赖说,据已拟好的发言稿。"My desire to devolve authority has nothing to do with a wish to shirk responsibility, " he said, according to a prepared text of his speech.

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如果不去持续关注应用软件的质量,那么今天的艺术之国方案,可能就成为明天的垃圾糟粕。Without constant attention to application software quality, today's state-of-the-art application can quickly devolve into tomorrow's legacy monstrosity.

社团被解散或被剥夺权利能力时,社团的财产归属于章程指定的人。On the dissolution of the association or the deprivation of legal personality, the assets devolve on the persons specified in the articles of association.

卡梅隆坚持自己的计划,即把更多权力移交给这些直接服务的机构,裁减打官腔的中间人员,加强竞争。David Cameron is sticking to his plans to devolve more power to those directly delivering the services, cut out bureaucratic middle men and enhance competition.

他们因为长年没有情感滋润,甚至退化成脾气暴躁的类人猿,甚至从他们的每个毛孔里你都能看出他们的暴躁来。Men who are denied affection for too long devolve into some kind of rage-filled hominoid. Their anger becomes palpable. You can almost feel the wrath emanating from their pores.

Hassan在最近的一次访谈中告诉本网站说,他希望TWAS将继续从得里亚斯特走向各个地区,并成为发展中国家科学问题的一个主要参与者。Hassan told SciDev.Net in a recent interview that he hopes TWAS will continue to devolve from Trieste into the regions and become a major player in developing world science issues.

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在北大西洋公约组织的干涉下,和政府允诺移交更多政治权利,以及认同阿尔巴尼亚的少数民族的文化,结束了这场对抗。It ended with the intervention of a NATO ceasefire monitoring force and the government promising to devolve greater political power and cultural recognition to the Albanian minority.

校服都被拿来换枪和涂脸的油彩,这些天真的男孩儿开始变成了不受控制的嗜血猎杀者,最终成了想要杀死“怪兽”野蛮人。As the student's uniforms are traded for spears and war paint, the innocent boys devolve into uncontrolled, bloodthirsty hunters and ultimately, savages intent on killing the "beast".

社团的财产归属于国库的,准用关于归属于作为法定继承人的国库的遗产的规定。If the assets of the association devolve on the treasury, the provisions on an inheritance that devolves on the treasury as the heir on intestacy apply with the necessary modifications.