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干果.Dried fruit.

水果冰茶。Ice fruit tea.

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没有根,就没有果。No root, no fruit.

做水果沙拉。Make a fruit salad.

阳光使水果成熟。The sun ripens fruit.

这棵树结果子。The tree bears fruit.

把水果洗净后削皮。First, peel the fruit.

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他在削水果。He is peeling a fruit.

水果的放在篮子里的。Fruit comes in baskets.

布丁或水果什锦。Pudding and fruit cups.

你的孩子喜欢水果吗?Do your kids like fruit?

我将做水果沙拉。I'll make a fruit salad.

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南瓜是一种瓜,不代表颜色。Pumpkin is also a fruit.

树结果实。Trees bring forth fruit.

柠檬是一种酸味水果。A lemon is an acid fruit.

这些生果是出售的吗?。Are these fruit for sale?

禁果味甜。Forbidden fruit is sweet.

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果实扁球形,果皮青黑色。Fruit oblate, peel young.

他推着车沿路叫卖水果。He vends fruit from cart.

这棵树已结果。The tree is in fruit now.