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复印店。Print shop.

我把它打印了。I do print this.

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一个跨时代的脚印!A print of cross-time!

用印表机印出图样。Print out the template.

这是一块漂亮的印花布。This is a lovely print.

请印一份出来。Please print out a copy.

打印出每个文件名。Print out each file name.

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这是一本绝版书。The book is out of print.

复印店。我是希安。Print shop. Seam speaking.

这本书已经绝版了。This book is out of print.

你能够冲印出很不错的8x10规格的相片。You can print a nice 8x10.

你加打印纸了吗?Did you add the print paper?

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这本书是用大号铅字印的。The book was in large print.

版面柔软印压小。The small print layout soft.

这样的书已经绝版了。Such book is out of print now.

其实它还包括了Yale和。Brown And I can now print ivys.

它将会印成黑色线条。They will print as black rules.

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无法重新启动印表机伺服器。Unable to restart print server.

可以打印文件信息。You can print file information.

请把你的信用卡给我打印一份留存?May I take a print of your vise?