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谁是世界的救星?The Saviour of the world?

圣哉耶稣,万民救主和平王。O holy Jesus, Prince of peace and Saviour.

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因为我拒绝让我的上帝和救主变成可有可无。I refuse to make my God and Saviour a nonentity.

她在清晨极早的时刻去找寻救主。She sought the Saviour very early in the morning.

焰是我们的先知,她是我们的领袖及救世主。Our prophet is Homura, she is our leader and our Saviour.

这位年轻人?来便成为他同胞的拯救者。Some day that young man would be the Saviour of his people.

主啊,愿我每天的生活,都以我救主基督的心为心。Lord let the mind of Christ my Saviour live in me from day to day.

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从把大陆人看作土包子到看成香港的救世主。It's gone from regarding mainlanders as country bumpkins to its saviour.

常谈主慈爱,并唱主恩,赞美我救主,昼夜不分。This is my story, this is my song, Praising my Saviour all the day long.

救主以色列的神阿,你实在是自隐的神。Verily thou art a God that hidest thyself, O God of Israel, the Saviour.

让我们以全心来爱主我们的神,以及基督我们的救主。Let us love the Lord our God and Christ our Saviour with our whole heart.

他们推尊佛陀为无边苦难的救主。They represented the Buddha as the saviour from almost unlimited torment.

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常谈主慈爱,并唱主恩,赞美我救主,昼夜不分。Thise is my story, this is my song, Praising my Saviour all the day long.

怕利恒,也就是日后的大卫王和我们救主耶稣的出生地。It later became the birthplace of both David the king and Jesus our Saviour.

这圣神是天主藉我们的救主耶稣基督,丰富地倾注在我们身上的。Whom he hath poured forth upon us abundantly, through Jesus Christ our Saviour.

因为我们虽然违背祢的圣意,却并未否认祢——我们的上帝及救主。For though we transgress Thy holy will, we do not deny Thee, Our God and Saviour.

当人接受基督作为他的救主时,圣灵便会进入他的心中居住。Every believer received the Holy Spirit when he or she accepted Christ as Saviour.

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英国敦促世界货币基金来应对当前困境,结果遭到美国冷对。America was cool to Britain's urgings to make the IMF the saviour of the situation.

这个名字,意思就是「救主」,他来为要寻找和拯救失丧的人。The meaning of Jesus' name is "Saviour" and He has come to seek and to save the lost.

虽然很多伊斯兰教所教导的都是对的,但是穆斯林世界的人民没有救世主。Though Islam has much that is true, thepeople of the Muslim world are without a Saviour.