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他抑扬顿挫地朗诵诗歌。He read the poems with cadence.

为什么要以较高的步频节奏跑步?Why run with a higher running cadence?

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如歌岁月因时间的行走而抑扬顿挫。Cantabile years of time walking and cadence.

他的话以一种美妙的声调表现出来。His words come out with a beautiful cadence.

好了,现在仅剩一个最后的结尾了,乐章结尾All right. Now just a final close, a cadence.

破碎的构建减慢了开发的节奏Broken builds slow the cadence of development

我们如何学习以更高的步频节奏来跑呢?How do we learn to run with a higher cadence?

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有信心上帝将创造美妙的神韵。Have faith God will create the perfect cadence.

测试的范围和节奏是不同的。there is a difference in scope and cadence of tests.

弗朗西丝讲话时用一种柔和悦耳的爱丁堡声调。Frances spoke with a soft, musical Edinburgh cadence.

弗朗西丝讲话时用一种柔和悦耳的爱丁堡声调。Frances spoke with a soft, musical edinburgh cadence.

因此,保持一个快的步频节奏并保持你的脚在躯干下方吧。So keep your cadence fast and your feet underneath you.

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句子要有变化,韵律不宜过长,也不宜过短。Sentences vary, the cadence isn't too long, nor too short.

我们曾经担心如何保持我们原有的小公司的节奏。Were we concerned with maintaining our small company cadence.

同样地,音乐也是在忽高忽低、抑扬顿挫中游走。Also, the pitch of music is played in fluctuation and cadence.

顿挫抑扬是形容朗读时声音的高低曲折和和谐的的节奏。Cadence means the rise and fall of the voice in reading with rhythm.

我只随声附和,我的心应节跳舞。Only my voice took up the tunes, and my heart danced in their cadence.

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很快你就会以更好“定位”的脚和更快的步频开跑了。Soon you will be running with a better-placed foot and a faster cadence.

其出现在本该出现完全正格终止的地方。It occurs when an authentic or perfect cadence may otherwise be expected.

在做斜横步期间,马应保持节奏不变。The horse should maintain the same cadence throughout the whole movement.