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他埋头搞他的科研,几乎没有时间跟家人在一起。He's totally engross in his research and has little time for his family.

那你上星期让我把她的马整整占用了一个星期,这有多么可恶呀!How abominable in you, then, to let me engross her horse as I did all last week!

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在身为繁殖者的初期,你要尽量能全神贯注在繁殖方面。另外,最好是能够找到一位贤明的繁殖者来指导你。As a beginner you need to engross yourself in the breed as much as possible and ideally find a suitable mentor.

布莱顿一个新频道“最新电视”的史密斯希望,观众能够提供可以鼓舞他们的影片。Bill Smith of Latest TV, Brighton's new channel, hopes viewers will want to contribute films on topics that engross them.

她常对我说应该从他那里得到一些好处,做为我陪伴他的报酬,因为他的确好象独占了我。She used to tell me that she thought I ought to expect some gratification from him for my company, for indeed he did, as it were, engross me.

下面有一个忠告,肯定可以提高你的阅读速度。If there was one piece of advice I would offer to improve your reading rate it would be simply to engross yourself in the material you are studying.

利用煤矸石生产建筑材料,可节约大量土地,具有很好的环境、社会和经济效益。With the long time stacking, gangue may not only engross a great deal of land but also pollute the air and underground water and induce spontaneous combustion.

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只要员工们完成任务,老板们不必在意他们是如何完成的,也不用在意他们上班时是否听了MP3。"Bosses shouldn't care about how employees accomplish their objectives or if they want to engross themselves in MP3 players -- as long as the job gets done," he added.

“只要员工们完成任务,因为让员工得到充分的自主权很重要,“禁令”往往会适得其反。想知道沙龙。"Bosses shouldn't care about how employees accomplish their objectives or if they want to engross themselves in MP3 players -- as long as the job gets done, " he added.

但是,当来自全球各地的天才们比以往更难以跻身赛场的时候,冠军联赛最可贵的不确定性因素依然存在来吸引我们的眼球。Nonetheless, the precious unpredictability of the tournament survives to engross the rest of us when it is tougher than ever to retain and blend talent that has to be drawn from across the globe.