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一切文明的焦点。The cynosure of all things civilized.

让信仰成为你生活中的灯塔。Let faith be your cynosure to walk by.

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东道国的国家馆历来备受关注。The national pavilion of the host country has always been a cynosure.

公主全身上下披金戴银,是众目注视的焦点。The princess, dressed head to foot in gold, was the cynosure of all eyes.

在过去12个月中,斯图尔特已成为小报和博客跟踪的北极星。In the last 12 months, Stewart has become a tabloid regular andablog -stalked cynosure.

如果这个女孩是众目之的,她的妹妹同样能吸引聚光灯。If this girl is the cynosure of all eyes, her younger sister too can attract the limelight.

她身高近6英尺,苗条而有贵族气派,打扮高雅,不论在哪里都是众人瞩目的焦点。Nearly 6 ft. tall, imperially slim and sleekly dressed, she is usually the cynosure of attention at any gathering.

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有将近6英尺的身高,纤细端庄的体态还有妥当的装扮,使她无论在何种场合,都成为了万众瞩目的焦点。Nearly 6 feet tall, imperially slim and sleekly dressed, she is usually the cynosure of attention at any gathering.

在新闻体系中起决定作用的是人,凡是新闻报道所能企及的地方,都离不开人的活动,新闻的终极关怀应该是对人的关怀。People are always the cynosure of news. The ultimate purpose for any news is to care about people, entertain people.

赛诺秀激光公司是首家使用CAP聚焦技术和微透镜阵列的公司,而我相信这是点阵的最佳方法。Cynosure was the first with the CAP technology and micro lens array and I believe that is best approach to fractionalize resurfacing.

她又自得其乐地想象各种豪华风雅的场面,在这些场面里她是人们目光的焦点,主宰命运的女神。Her mind delighted itself with scenes of luxury and refinement, situations in which she was the cynosure of all eyes, the arbiter of all fates.

环境保护问题已成举世瞩目的重大问题,也是我国实现四个现代化所面临的迫切问题。In recent years, the research on environmental protection has become a universal cynosure and an urgent task for "four modernizations"in china.

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美国机构一直拒绝,并最终击败了老环组合,其中路透社是北极星的卡特尔行为。The American agencies had resisted and eventually defeated the cartel practices of the old ring combination, of which Reuters was the cynosure.