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他们打兔子去了。They went gunning for rabbits.

莎拉裴琳准备2012年选总统?。Is Sarah Palin gunning for 2012?

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我的意思是说,我并没有开枪射击。I mean, I wasn't just gunning the thing.

这位冠军力求取得三连冠。The champion was gunning for a third win.

谷歌已开始全面进军企业领域,这点毫无疑问。There's no doubt Google has been gunning for the enterprise.

那时候,这个尚未出名的人是州议员,目标是进美国参议院。He was a state senator gunning for the U.S. Senate, not yet famous.

我们刚坐上冠军宝座,所以理所当然所有人都对我们剑拔弩张。Absolutely everyone was gunning for us because we had just won the title.

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优化浇注料,开发喷补料,提高通铁量。Optimizing Castable Materials , Developing Gunning Material , Raising Iron Influx.

其综合效果优于用粘土砖修补内衬,可替代高炉中小修作维修的作用。Superior to gunning with clay brick, it plays a role of substition of BF medium and small repair.

介绍了鞍钢炼铁厂应用炉衬遥控喷补技术的情况。This paper describes how the remote control gunning technology was used in AISC Ironmaking Plant.

去详细说明为什么你过去的经验会帮助你胜任这个你准备搞掂的职位。Go into detail about why your past experiences will help you excel at the position you’re gunning to land.

丹尼斯在排位赛后说,他们明天将向胜利前进,在法国他则说将为领奖台而战。Dennis saying they can go for victory, whereas in France he said they were gunning for a podium after qual.

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标普手痒难耐,随时准备扣下扳机,下调美国债务评级,为此美国政府官员已经着急上火了数月之久。Administration officials had stewed for months that S&P had an itchy trigger finger gunning for a downgrade.

试验结果表明,运用该模型能够较准确地选择火焰喷补距离,以及指导火焰喷补料的粒度组成配比。The result shows that the temperature model is useful for right choice of gunning distance and particle size.

泰美拉马上对孩子们说,她们必须把之前欠下的赞美次数加倍。Gunning immediately told the girls they had to double the number of compliments they previously owed each other.

有一天,摩洛克打猎归来,在森林里较远的地方发现他的妻子因为高烧昏迷,倒在地上。One day Murlock returned from gunning in a distant part of the forest to find his wife prostrate with fever, and delirious.

但是在经济危机时期,有很多虎视眈眈的求职者对任何职位都是伺机而动,这当然也包括你当前的职位。But in a challenging economy, there are a lot of eager professionals gunning for any position -- including your present one.

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英国电视台“生活方式教练”频道的皮特·科恩说,“如今,各种各样的网站都在吸引我们的眼球。”"These days there are all manner of websites gunning for our attention," said British television "lifestyle coach" Pete Cohen.

配制系列高炉喷补料,并检测其烧后线变化及耐热震性等性能。Gunning refractory are made and its properties, such as linear change during baking and thermal shock resistance, are measured.

纳吉政府打算以肮脏手段推翻民联政府,他的配角们正集中火力攻击反对党政治领袖。Najib's government is playing dirty to throw out Pakatan Rakyat from power. His stooges are gunning for opposition politicians.