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爱这座不老的夜城。Love this ageless city.

这是一个永恒的问题。It's an ageless question.

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人们把法佛尔称为不老的神话。People call Brett Favre the ageless one.

关于宇宙的起源的问题是个永恒的论题。The origin of the universe is an ageless topic.

沉眠吧,疲惫的主人们,在永恒的夜的看护下。Slumber now, fiery Lords, nursed by the ageless Night.

他的设计融合了永恒而精准的线条设计。His works are a combination of ageless linearity and precise design.

她看起来年轻了好多,当她开始说话时,嘴角微微向上翘起。She looked ageless. Her mouth was set in a frown as she began to speak.

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新的重点是放在无用的自由体图这一永远不过时的方法上。The new emphasis is on the use of the ageless method of a freebody diagram.

学风建设是高等学校各项工作的永恒的主题。The development of study style is the ageless theme in the vocational schools.

当然,并不只是麦当娜,其他的女明星也是如画中人儿,“长生不老”。Of course, Madonna isn't the only famous woman to look, quite literally, ageless.

孩童总在永恒的神秘里安居,历史的尘埃无法将他蒙蔽。The child ever dwells in the mystery of ageless time, unobscured by the dust of history.

孩童永住在永恒的神秘中,不受历史尘埃的影响。The child ever dwells in the mystery of the ageless time, unobscured by the dust of history.

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“岁月无痕脸”指通过填充剂、肉毒杆菌、化学换肤等方式打造出来的让人看不出实际年龄的完美面容。Year-zero face is a term for the ageless visage created with fillers, Botox, chemical peels, and the like.

健康是人类社会生存发展的一个基本要素,是人类永恒的主题。Health is a basic element for human society's survival and development. It's the ageless theme of human beings.

虽然有争议,该理论提出了一个可能性,宇宙是永恒的并可以自我更新的。While controversial, the ekpyrotic theory raises the possibility that the universe is ageless and self-renewing.

笑是永恒和成本无关,没有副作用,但会让你感觉更好,增强你的免疫系统。Laughter is ageless and costs nothing, has no side effects, yet makes you feel better and bolsters your immune system.

去永恒的金字塔之下,去神的庙宇中,在千年星座的光芒中,召唤荷罗斯的威力吧!Summon the might of Horus through the light of the millennium constellations into the temple beneath the ageless pyramid.

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这些天然护肤产品振兴提供养分和抗氧化剂,以帮助保持您的皮肤美丽和永恒。These natural skin care products provide revitalizing nutrients and anti-oxidants that help keep your skin beautiful and ageless.

它结合经典印度文化的永恒魅力的一个5星级酒店的所有现代化的设施,新建的火车。It's newly-built train with all the modern amenities of a 5-star hotel combined with the ageless charms of classic Indian culture.

我记得,康威尔博士在几年前曾为一个真实的故事而深深着迷,因为它道出了一个永恒的道理。Several years before, as I remember it, Dr. Conwell had been tremendously intrigued by a true story, which had an ageless moral to it.