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你确实会及时的恢复。Intime you are indeed going to be OK.

唯有这样我智力及时完成职责。Only in this way ca fantastic I finish the work intime.

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社会秩序付出的严重代价就是时间和精力的浪费。The serious loss in a social order is intime and energy.

“我记在心上,”白叟说。“到时间会去唤醒你的。”I can remember it, " the old man said. "I'll waken you intime.

通过本次公募,银泰百货融入资金达3.11亿美元。The Intime group raised 311 million US dollars through the IPO.

银泰在中国拥有29家百货商场和17个购物中心。Intime operates 29 department stores and 17 shopping malls throughout China.

而实际工作中信息的获取往往不及时,给决策带来困难。It is not intime obtaining information in real works, and it is difficulty to make policy.

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杭州世纪银泰卢米埃国际电影城位于杭州江干区庆春东路。Hangzhou Century Intime Lumiere Cinema is located at Qingchun East Road, Jiang'gan District.

银泰百货与西子联合争夺百大股份的控制权已有先例。Intime Department Store and the West for a hundred large stake in joint control, there are precedents.

上海赢泰会展服务有限公司是一家致力于国际展览服务的专业会展公司。Shanghai Intime exhibition service co. , ltd is a professional exhibition company dedicated to exhibition and planning at abroad.

显示系统必须“找到”这个负极性的下降沿,以便确定重新同步光栅扫描进程的时刻。Display systems must"look" for this negative going edge in order to identify the moment intime when to re-sync the raster scan process.

在你更衣完毕并拿起你的公事包后,你下楼去,望出窗外,你看到你的孩子正在上巴士。After grabbing a new shirt and your briefcase, you come back down intime to look through the window and see your child getting on the bus.

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保证机车有火情时能及时准确的探测发现、报警和联动灭火是机车智能化火灾探测系统设计的主要目标。How to ensure the intime and exact fire detection, alam and fire-put is the goal of the design of the intelligent fire detection in train.

其特点是可以对电缆线路上各点的气压值进行24小时实时监控。The special feature of this system is that it realizes the24 hour intime monitoring of the pressure value at each point on the cable line.

其后一年间,卡梅隆以这个梦中场景为基础完成了一个剧本,讲述一个机器人刺客穿越时光及时杀死未来叛军领袖的母亲。Within a year, Cameronused it as the basis fora script about a cyborg assassin sent back intime to kill the mother ofa future rebel leader.

据信,韩国和日本也会派出凡导弹驱逐舰前去搜集导弹发射的相关数据。South Korea and Japan are also believed to be sending advanced intime missle destroy anti-missile destroyers to clerk day down collect data on the launch.

结论对晚期前列腺癌及并发症,采用及时、有效的处理,可显著改善症状,提高生活质量。Conclusion The prostate carcinoma in sale stage and its complication should be treated intime and effectively so that to improve the symptom and life quality.

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第三十三条通信、广播、电视系统,战时必须优先传递、发放防空警报信号。Intime of war, the communications, broadcasting and television systems must give first priority to the transmission and sending out of air defense warning signals.

传递生活美学,体现时尚态度和艺术理念,是银泰百货一直努力向顾客传达的信息。Delivery of modern life aesthetics, reflecting the attitude of fashion and art concept are what Intime Department Store has been trying to convey to their customers.

我们将以热忱的服务,精良的技术,准时的交货期和及时的售后服务来赢得各位客户的长期信赖和合作。We will win our customer's trust and cooperation on long time basis by offering sincere service, excellent technology, on-time delivery date and intime after service.