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说一点天上的一元论,千万别谈地狱的二元论。Don't say a syllable about the Infernal Twoness.

这些角色体现出农民身份与职业的二重性现状。These new roles show the twoness of the peasants' identities and occupations.

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区域主体的二重性对经济区域的发展起着重要影响。The twoness of area main body is having main effect to the development of economic area.

说一点天上的一元论,千万别谈地狱的二元论。Put in something about the Supernal Oneness. Don't say a syllable about the Infernal Twoness.

“诺斯悖论”与马克思的政府二重性理论都聚焦于政府功能的双重性质。"North'Paradox"and Marx'Theory of Government Twoness focus on the twoness of government function.

当今的经济全球化的实质具有“二重性”。The economic globalization which is the wave tide of the revolution of world industry have "twoness".

小说对“连接”自我解构的叙述体现了作者作为一个人文主义者的理想与困境。While sparking logos, the Renaissance humanist has a strong belief in religion, thus there be a twoness on their religious idea.

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文艺复兴时期的人文主义者在倡导理性的同时,又坚持虔诚的宗教信仰,表现出宗教观念上的二重性,是多重原因使然。While sparking logos, the Renaissance humanist has a strong belief in religion, thus there be a twoness on their religious idea.

现代科技发展日新月异,科技成果二重性问题己引起人们的普遍关注。With the rapid development of contemporary science and technology, the twoness of sci tech achievements has aroused people's popular attention.

本部分从资本范畴及国有资本的内涵与外延展开,结合资本的二重性理论,对国有资本的二重性进行了分析。This part spreads from the category of capital , the connotation and extension of national capital, combines the theory of twoness of capital, analyses the twoness of national capital.