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她练唱了一首新歌。She practiced singing a new song.

电脑是玩出来的。Computers are practiced by playing.

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为了考试我还是做了一些练习的。I definitely practiced taking the test

今天,我去训练了,还去了健身房。Today I practiced and went to the gym.

在这个梦想的驱动下,她努力训练。Driven by the dream,she practiced hard.

您总是修习您所教的。You always practiced what you preached.

这个队整个赛季都在努力训练。This team has practiced hard all season.

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我们联系国一段关于运动的对话,是吗?We practiced a talk about sports, right ?

水上灭火演练。Fire extinguishment is practiced on water.

他实践生根于土壤的现实主义艺术。He practiced the art of earthbound realism.

特林达迪在1996年到2001年在那儿执业。Trindade practiced there from 1996 to 2001.

她年轻时练过体操。When she was young she practiced gymnastics.

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只是写家庭作业,练钢琴。Just did my homework and practiced the piano.

正大灼烁者,说到的多,做到的少。Plain dealing is praised more than practiced.

有一天我问她为什么这么刻苦地练习。One day I asked her why she practiced so much.

他描述了一下过程,我们练习了一下。He described the procedure and we practiced it.

据说有位隐士曾在此炼丹。A hermit is said to have practiced alchemy here.

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在维也纳,狄克特就在弗洛伊德的隔壁开业Dichter had practiced next door to Freud in Vienna

他最高的纪录曾是连续练舞20个小时。Once he practiced dancing for as long as 20 hours.

先是在福建厦门行医。She practiced medicine in Xiamen, Fujian Province.