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经编内衬腰带和飞。Tricot lined waistband and fly.

然后它上升在前以发光的手编织品织品结束。Then it ups the ante with a shiny tricot fabric finish.

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该专机用于加工经编机上的关键零部件槽针床。The machined is used to process the key spare parts of KS tricot machine-Slot.

针织外套是用超级轻量级和软针织制造。Knit track jacket is made with a super lightweight and soft tricot fabrication.

我公司主要生产内衣的企业,产品涉及文胸,三角裤。My company is specialised in underwear, such as bra, slip, G-string, boxer, tricot and so on.

轻松的肩带和软特里科内衬解剖上正确的腰带给你一个定制适合。Cushy shoulder straps and a soft tricot lined anatomically correct hip belt gives you a custom fit.

除了作为防水,聚氨酯涂层针织防风外壳将站起来,狩猎滥用。Aside from being waterproof, the polyurethane-coated windproof tricot shell will stand up to hunting abuse.

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实行现代化的科学管理,拥有专业技术人才,产品广泛适用于文胸、袜子、内衣、内裤、工艺品、玩具、箱包袋等行业。Equipping with the most advanced tricot production lines of KABC and MAYER from Germany, our company carries on modern and scientific management with professional technicians.

夏奈尔引进了针织水手套衫和套头毛衣,把长期以来一直作为内衣裤织物的超凡针织羊毛衫用在柔软贴身的裙装上。Coco introduced the tricot sailor frock and the pullover sweater, unearthed wool jersey from its longtime service as underwear fabric and put it to use in soft, clinging dresses.

本文系统地介绍了近年来国外在双、三和四梳栉经编机上的产品开发状况,着重说明了在产品开发中的原料选用情况。This article systematically reports the latest development in producing fabrics on tricot machines with 2, 3 and 4 guide bars oversea. The discussion here centres on the material possibility.