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各位,欢迎来到POGO俱乐部。Gentlemen, welcome to POGO Club.

你最好在桑巴里加段碰恰恰试试。You should try a bogo pogo in your samba, though.

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正如波哥所说,我们遇到了敌人,他就是我们自己。As Pogo would say, we have met the enemy and he is us.

它们还会像钟摆一样摇摆,像孩子们玩得弹簧单高跷一样跳跃。They also have to swing like pendulums and jump like pogo sticks.

他就像一个瘦长持久性有机污染物,从而节省了突出排次他的精力。He pops like a pogo stick, which saves his energy for the highlight-reel plays.

奥斯卡得主芮妮-齐薇格如同“一只被涂抹了的南瓜”。Oscar winner Renee Zellweger as looking like a "painted pumpkin on a pogo stick."

奥斯卡得主芮妮-齐薇格如同“一只被涂抹了的南瓜”。Oscar winner renee zellweger as looking like a "painted pumpkin on a pogo stick. ""

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看起来Pogo在互联网上已经存在很长一段时间,确实就是如此。If it seems like Pogo has been around as long as the Internet, that's because it has.

他还完成了最快英里,在南极洲上蹦跳瘦长向上和向下。He has also completed the fastest mile bouncing up and down on a pogo stick in Antarctica.

本文对这一POGO抑制系统设计方面的理论分析方法和实践作了详细的阐述。The theoretical analysis and practice of POGO suppression system design is described in detail.

首先将船支撑在浮筒上,接着舵手开始上下跳跃----由此得名“跳跳”。The boat rests on pontoons at the start, and then the rider begins hopping up and down — hence the "pogo."

网站提供其概况介绍、成员机构、会议活动、新闻消息、以及相关文档等内容。The web site provides information about POGO 's members, activities, news, training &education, and documents.

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该项目提供了多方面的调查档案,博客,联邦成本商不法行为数据库。POGO provides an archive of investigations in many areas, a blog, and a federal contractor misconduct database.

在罗尼这个年纪,喉结才刚开始发育。Ronnie swallowed hard. He’d just started developing an Adam’s apple, and he could feel the knot pogo in his throat.

POGO的大力推动研究,方案,政策和教育创新的沟通,并祝愿所有摘要成功。POGO strongly promotes communication of research, program, policy and educational innovations and wishes all abstracts to succeed.

屋顶清理机——经典物品呵,如何推荐它都不为过。它们在什么情况下发挥最佳?试试“跳跳舞会”就知道了。Roof cleaners. Classic items. Can't recommend them highly enough. Best thing about them? They give you a shot at beating Pogo Party.

罗尼艰难地咽了一下,感觉自己就好像亚当要去偷食苹果,他觉得喉咙里有结节蹦来蹦去,于是停下脚步。Ronnie swallowed hard. He'd just started developing an Adam's apple, and he could feel the knot pogo in his throat. He stopped walking.

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这可能是POGO方案所意想不到的后果,但是PAGCOR现在对网络游戏行业所做的事情实际上相当于经济破坏。This may be the unintended consequence of the POGO program, but what PAGCOR is now doing to the online gaming industry is virtually tantamount to economic sabotage.

它是通过上下跳动来产生推力,就像弹簧单高跷一样,双脚并踏在踏足板上,达到一定的速度时,位于中心的船翼就能浮在水面上。It's propelled by hopping up and down like a pogo stick with both feet together on a footboard, and kept afloat on a centrally-placed wing once the correct speed is achieved.

因此,需要一种建立电路模型的程序,来对不同使用期间的锡球阵列载具建模,以判断在哪些情况下,需要将载具及弹簧针予以更换。A process of socket modeling is needed to create a BGA socket model and, based on the model, to determine in what kind of conditions should the sockets or pogo pins must be replaced.