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清真寺后面的清真小吃排档生意红红火火。Behind the mosque, halal snack stalls do brisk business.

靠近牛街附近的一些清真餐厅也是人气红火。Near Cow street, some of Halal restaurants are also very popular.

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生煎馒头里面再用清真牛肉做芯子,格外得可口多汁。Filled with succulent halal beef, they are outrageously delicious.

那中年人猛然拍拍脑袋,对刘清真是相恨见晚。The middle-aged man suddenly patted his head, Liu halal is hate see late.

穆斯林清真商店通常会写字母“786”缅甸的数字。Muslin Halal shops will usually write the letter "786" in Myanmar numeral.

在希腊,全麦中东包则替代了小圆面包,还有在以色列的犹太风味,在中东符合伊斯兰教的合法口味等。In Greece pita bread replaces the bun, in Israel it’s kosher, in the Middle East halal.

清真商人们和服务提供商可以从清真网上在线交易市场获利。Halal industry businesses and services providers can benefit from the Halal E-Marketplace.

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也有些学生从家里或从宿舍预备好一些饭菜。Some students bring along their halal food from home or pre-cooked in hostels, " he told IOL."

合成材料素食者也可以吃,而且符合清真食品和犹太食品的规定。The synthetic stuff can also be eaten by vegans and is considered by most to be halal and kosher.

美国拨款提供的口粮每天送达约2万人,其中包括43.6万份清真餐。U.S.-funded food rations are reaching about 20,000 people per day and include 436,000 halal meals.

尽管大学只有大约220名穆斯林学生,但不止一个出售清真食品的摊点。Though the university has around 220 Muslims students, the is not a single stall selling halal food.

以前穆斯林学生们只能前往领近的斯普林菲尔德的大学校园就餐。Before having halal food available on campus, Muslim students had to travel as far neighboring Springfield.

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作为清真食品的代表,兰州拉面来自西北多沙的野外。The flagship halal dish from China, hand-pulled noodles hail from the wild, sandy lands of northwest China.

拉面诞生于中国西北那荒凉的戈壁,是一道一流的清真食品。Thee flagship halal dish from China, hand-pulled noodles hail from the wild, sandy lands of northwest China.

寻甸东发食品有限公司,是一个以生产天然清真系列牛肉食品为主的个体私营企业。Xundian Tung Fat Food Co. , Ltd. , is a series of producing natural beef halal food-based private enterprises.

在沙巴,回教徒甚至可以到卖叉烧的店来做棒餐,棒餐就棒餐,绝不会叫你摸叉烧。In Sabah, Muslim can work as a waiter in a chinese shop. You only waiter, we won't ask you to touch non halal food.

家庭在清真肉商店购物,为了和家人和朋友一起开斋和礼拜准备斋饭。Families shop at Halal meat stores, prepare Iftar meals to break their fast with family and friends and pray together.

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近日,法国第一家在美式快餐环境下供应清真肉食的餐厅已于近日在巴黎郊外的克利希苏布瓦开张。Frances first restaurant serving halal meat in an American-style fast-food setting has opened in the suburbs of Paris.

我们的清真巧克力有各种形状,有熊猫、鱼尾狮、花等,可根据客户需要。Our halal chocolates have variety shapes in panda, merlion, animals, mickey, minnie, flowers & etc to suit your needs.

法国第一家在美式快餐环境下供应清真肉食的餐厅已于近日在巴黎郊外开张。France's first restaurant serving halal meat in an American-style fast-food setting has opened in the suburbs of Paris.