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其中热力学相关的函数同时支持国际标准单位和英制单位。Thermophysical property functions operate in either SI and English units.

导热系数是材料热物理性质的重要参数之一。Thermal conductivity is one of the most important parameters of thermophysical properties of materials.

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混合制冷剂热物性数据的缺乏是其替代技术研究的主要障碍。An absence of the thermophysical property data is the main obstacle to the study of alternativerefrigerants.

维里系数是再现非理想流体热物性必不可少的基本参数。The virial coefficient is a basic thermophysical property that represents the nonideal behavior of real gases.

其中包括基本信息、热力学性质、热物理性质等以及与温度的关联式。It includes basic information, thermodynamic and thermophysical properties and temperature-dependent correlation equations.

通过球磨分散方法制备了具有优良热、机械性能的细晶掺杂石墨材料。Fine-grained doped graphite with optimized thermophysical properties was firstly fabricated by Ball-milling dispersion method.

本文介绍红外热象技术在工程热物理研究中某些应用的探索。This paper introduces the explorations of using infrared imaging technique for researching engineering thermophysical problems.

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随着MEMS技术的发展,纳米流体因其独特的热物理性质而成为当今研究的热点。With the rapid development of MEMS, Nanofluids have become today's research focus for the predominant thermophysical properties.

研究了高能束流表面加工与处理中的特殊热物理问题。The special thermophysical problems involved in high energy density materials surface processing have been studied in this project.

介绍了一种推算多组分电解质水溶液热物理性质的系统方法。A systematic method for prediction of thermophysical Properties of aqueous solutions of multicomponent electrolytes is introduced in this paper.

阐述了基于VRML的工程热物理虚拟实验教学系统的开发方法、系统结构及关键技术。This article expounded the development, systematical structure and core technique of the thermophysical experiment teaching system based on VRML.

基于组织光学和人工神经网络理论,提出了一种全新的确定生物体热物性参数的方法。Based on the theories of tissue optics and artificial neural network, a novel method of mea- suring thermophysical parameters was brought forward.

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鉴于汽车空调广泛使用R134a工质,进行了R134a热物性的计算,为实验研究提供必要的热物性数据。R134a is widely used in automobile air conditioner, so the thermophysical properties of R134a are calculated to offer the basic data for experiment.

大气湿度对发动机换算转速影响的物理本质是随着湿度的变化使进入发动机的空气热物理性质也发生了变化。The physical nature of humidity effects on engine corrected speed is that thermophysical characteristics of air entering engine varies with humidity.

不同结构陶瓷材料的组织结构和热物理特性具有较大差异,表现出不同的分配性。The composition and organization and thermophysical properties of structural ceramics are vary in a large extent, they show different distributinglaws.

介绍了制冷剂热物理性质的内容和目前的测试精度、制冷剂的环境特性和评价指标。The content and present testing accuracy of refrigerant thermophysical properties, environmental characteristics and evaluation guideline were introduced.

实现网络远程实验功能,为完善热物理实验教学提供了一种新的教学平台。The experimental function of long-distant web was achieved and a new teaching platform for improving the thermophysical experimental teaching was provided.

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其中对薄膜材料的热物性特别是热扩散率的测试和理论分析正在成为国内外研究的热点之一。The theoretical analysis and measurement of the thermophysical properties, especially the thermal diffusivity of thin films have become a focus in this field.

以R22为制冷工质,根据质量守恒、动量守恒和能量守恒等热力学基本定理建立了空调冷凝器的稳态分布参数模型。From basic thermophysical laws, a steady distributed parameter model of an air-conditioning condenser was constructed, in which R22 was taken as working fluid.

并从反应焓、逆反应循环次数、量利用率、量密度等方面对反应体系作为一种低温蓄热材料进行了评估。The thermophysical properties of the chemical storage materials are evaluated by the enthalpies of the reaction and the number of cycles of the reverse reaction.