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一架协和式超音速客机正降落在跑道上。Touching down on the runway is a Concorde supersonic jet.

协和和拿破仑饭店都没有游泳池。Neither the Concorde nor the Napoléon has a swimming pool.

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协和式飞机是第一架超音速客机。Concorde was the first passenger aircraft to fly at supersonic speed.

1977年,超音速协和式飞机首次在纽约市着陆。In 1977, the supersonic Concorde made its first landing in New York City.

法国航空公司是全球两家曾拥有协和式超音速客机的航空公司之一。Air France is the world's two owned Concorde supersonic airliner, one of the airlines.

“我们仍然有有关的条例和协和协议”豪格说。We still have questions about the regulations and the Concorde agreement, " Haug said."

英国“协和”超音速飞机作从布里斯托尔至费尔福德的处女航。The British supersonic airliner Concorde made its maiden flight, from Bristol to Fairford.

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1968年,协和2号机滑出位于菲尔顿的英国飞机公司组装线。Concorde 002 rolls out of the British Aircraft Corporation's assembly line at Filton in 1968.

1996年,百事公司支付给法航一笔数目不明的巨款,为的就是在一架协和飞机上喷涂公司的颜色。Pepsi paid Air France an undisclosed sum in 1996 to repaint a Concorde in its corporate colors.

即使普通的喷气式飞机也会产生噪音污染,但协和式的噪音飞机对人的耳朵有害。Even normal jet engine airplanes produce noise pollution, but Concorde could do harm to people's ears.

从凯旋门出发,走过香榭丽舍大街穿过宏伟的和大大小小宫殿便可到达协和广场。From the Arc de Triomphe, stroll down the Champs-Elysées past the Grand and Petit Palais to La Place de la Concorde.

“协和”超音速班机投入使用,从伦敦至巴林和从巴黎至里约热内卢的飞机同时起飞。Concorde airliner entered supersonic service with simultaneous take-offs from London to Bahrain and Paris to Rio de Janeiro.

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巴黎一个主要的公共广场协和广场上的喷泉。占地20英亩,这是巴黎最大的广场。The Fontaine des Mers at one of the main public square, Place de la Concorde. At 20 acres, it is the largest square in Paris.

总共制造了20架协和飞机机身,有14架在参与制造的英国和法国的航空公司运营。In total 20 Concorde airframes were made, with 14 entering airline service in the manufacturing countries of Britain and France.

在协和飞机停飞后8年,两个不同的生产厂家推出了超音速飞机在今年的巴黎航空展上。Two different manufacturers unveiled supersonic jets at this year's Paris Air Show, eight years after the Concorde stopped flying.

由于维修费上涨、燃料费较高以及需求量日益减少等原因,法国航空公司和英国航空公司都将取消协和式飞机。Both Air France and British Airways are retiring their Concorde because of rising maintenance4, high fuel costs and waning demands.

当热水冲泡时,包裹的茶叶慢慢打开,金盏花犹如刚盛开的花一样,姗姗绽放,花团锦簇,整齐协和,妙不可言。When water brew package tea slowly opened marigold just like a flower blooming shanshan blooming flowers neatly concorde miaobugeyan.

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在上世纪九十年代,NASA不仅宣布SST是一个好主意,而且打算让“协和二代”属于美国人。In the 1990s NASA not only announced that SSTs were a good idea, but it said it was determined that the Son of Concorde would be American.

提曼斯在1997年拍摄这些照片时,和谐客机还是一个进步和光辉的象徵、一个乌托邦年代的仅存者。When Tillmans shot the images in 1997, the Concorde was still a symbol of progress and glamour and was a lone survivor of a more Utopian age.

但是随着新的协和协议,也为了一些个人原因,莫斯利说他将不会参加今年晚些时候的竞选。But with a new Concorde Agreement nigh, and also for "personal" reasons, Mosley said he has decided not to contest the elections later this year.