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试着让她来引出你的价值。Try to get her to elicit your values.

倾向于让别人对自己产生好感。Tends to elicit liking in others. 051.

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但他逐渐培养起员工对苹果非凡的忠诚感。But he grew to elicit extraordinary loyalty.

倾向于激发别人的不快或敌意。Tends to elicit dislike or animosity in others. 096.

通过猜谜语引入影片主角——老鼠,从而激发学生欣赏电影的兴趣。Guess a riddle to elicit the hero of the movie—a mouse.

在多次询问后,他从这男孩处诱出了真情。After much questioning, he elicit the truth from the boy.

四十二次联合国特使的造访没有促成任何改变。Forty visits by UN envoys have failed to elicit any change.

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他想利用这个小小的花巧办法诱出巴特勒的真姓名来。He thought by this little trick to elicit Butler's real name.

我可以拿各种各样的文章来支持这个观点。There are all kinds of passages I could elicit in support of this.

简说,“你是否注意到要从他们的嘴里得到一个直接的回答有多难?Have you noticed how hard it is to elicit a straight answer from them?

你休想从我这里套问出我们的商业机密,我什么都不会告诉你的。Don't try to elicit business secrets from me. I won't tell you anything.

但桑塔格却成功赢得了读者们的爱心与好感。But Sontag does successfully elicit the reader’s good will and affection.

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五角星形,数字,一定有某些事可以从这些被推导出来。A pentagram , numbers, there's certainly something to elicit from all this.

对于不具侵略性的熊来说,如果你奔跑的话会引来它的追逐。Running can elicit a chase response from the otherwise non-aggressive bear.

用来证明周围那些不合理的恐惧和引起大家关注。Used to elicit unreasonablefear in those around and paralyze everyone concerned.

下面列出一些能引出解决方法的问题,作为例子Here are some examples of handy questions that can elicit all kinds of solutions.

当然,每个人都能想象到接下来将要发生什么事情,这很少能不引出一阵笑声。Everyone knows what tends to happen next, yet it rarely fails to elicit a chuckle.

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通常,需要联合使用这些反馈机制才能实现此目的。Typically, you'll need a combination of these feedback mechanisms to elicit this action.

刚开始的时候,他只是想和她说几句话,冲他笑一笑。At first, he wanted only a few words with Polina, just to see if he could elicit a smile.

移动性浊音和流体波更难引出而且需要更大量的腹水。Shifting dullness and a fluid wave are more difficult to elicit and require more ascites.