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那位医生经常救济贫民。The doctor often relieve the poor.

你知道解除沈闷的任何方法吗?Do you know any way to relieve boredom?

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使我们自此造作的迷惑里缓解。Relieve us of this contrived confusion.

他们以高提腿的正式步态换了岗。They high-stepped to relieve the guard.

这种药可减轻你的病痛.This drug will relieve your discomfort.

他吃了些止痛药来缓解疼痛。He took some anodyne to relieve the pain.

帮助贫困妇女脱贫解困。Helping women relieve from their poverty.

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理气宽中,和胃止痛。Protect the stomach and relieve the pain.

滴鼻剂常可缓解鼻腔充血。Nose drops often relieve nasal congestion.

维生素B6可以缓解你的恶心症状。B6 vitamins can relieve some of your nausea.

她吃了一片阿斯匹林以解头痛。She took an aspirin to relieve her headache.

打开它偶尔纾缓压力。Open it occasionally to relieve the pressure.

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他大口大口地喝冰茶以解渴。He swigged the iced tea to relieve his thirst.

克里普克似乎将他们从这一困境中解救了出来。Kripke seemed to relieve them of this dilemma.

我相信我简短的话语会减顷她的悲痛。I believe my brief word will relieve her grief.

你应帮他除去他悲惨的境遇。You should help to relieve him from his misery.

补钙可以帮助经前综合症。Calcium can help relieve pre-menstrual symptoms.

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它还有助于缓解牙痛和齿龈炎。It also helps relieve toothaches and gingivitis.

这种药可以缓解静脉曲张。This medicine can relieve the symptoms of varix.

你可以服用一些药解痛。You can take some medicine to relieve your pain.