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那笔钱仍欠着。The money is still owing.

应付的我都付了。I paid all that was owing.

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因为天雨,比赛取消了。Owing to the rain, the match was canceled.

他不肯付所欠的十块钱。He won't pay the ten dollars that is owing.

因为他长得美丽,又被叫做“灰姑娘”。Owing to his beaty, he is called Cinderella.

由于没人支持,这一计划终成泡影。Owing to lack of support the scheme fizzled out.

我们的车还欠几百英镑未付清。We have several hundred pounds owing on our car.

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因为坏气候,咱们的班机给担搁了。Our flight was delayed, owing to the bad weather.

雕像的价值来自于它的难度。The value of statuary is owing to its difficulty.

由于天候关系,那场派对已被取消。Owing to the weather, the party has been canceled.

买高质量的货京东取消订单物是划得来的。It pays to buy goods owing to their superior quality.

由于暴雨,那场棒球比赛被中断了。Owing to the rain, the baseball game was interrupted.

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她总是抱怨说,有许多人欠着她的钱不还。She always natters about many people owing her money.

他因品行不端而被逐出会。He was expelled from the society owing to his misconduct.

依法纳税是每个公民的义务。To pay tax owing to laws is the obligation of every civil.

由于我们共同的努力,任务及时完成了。Owing to our joint efforts, the task was fulfilled in time.

由于全国到处发生水灾,所余合同恐无法完成。Afraid contract balance unimplemented owing flood up country.

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借款吧,由于社会上所传的那些消息,已借不到了。Credit, owing to the reports afloat, was no longer to be had.

因为他的鼓励,我终于实现我的梦想。Owing to his encouragement, I realized my dream in the length.

由于气温稍有回升,街上泥泞难行。Owing to the slightly warmer temperature the streets were bad.