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我们谈论了半天有关运动学和生物力学的事情—真是饶有兴趣!We spent hours discussing kinesiology and biomechanics—it was fun!

本书的重点是解剖学和运动机能学与体位法练习和教学的关系。This book will focus on both anatomy and kinesiology in relationship to asana practice and teaching.

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在谈到我的生活周围,我开始推动生命构成了会使用应用运动学。After turning my life around, I started facilitating life make-over sessions using applied kinesiology.

安大略金斯顿皇家大学运动学和健康学研究员布沙尔和同事写道。Bouchard and colleagues at the school of kinesiology and health studies at Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario.

如果你生物学和生理学都学得好,不妨学学理疗学、人体运动学或者运动科学这样的专业。If you're strong in biology and physiology, consider majoring in physical therapy, kinesiology or exercise science.

她现在是这个协会的前主席,并且是今年“21世纪人体运动学”大会的组织者。She is currently Past-President of the Academy and the organizer of this year's conference on " Kinesiology in the 21st Century."

然而,如果你还并未超越3000股,那么肌肉测试或运动机能应用学则将是接触到身体水平觉知的另一种方式。However, if one has not transcended 3000, muscle testing or applied kinesiology is another manner of accessing body level knowing.

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朱为模教授为伊利诺伊大学厄本那香槟分校人类运动学和社区卫生学院教授。Professor Weimo Zhu is a professor in the Department of Kinesiology and Community Health at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

的边角处采用了倒边处理,显得比较圆润,手柄处人体工学的弧形处理带来了不错的手感。The corner place used side has processed, appears quite clear but actually, handle place kinesiology 's arc processing has brought the good feel.

当我开始研究运动学与自然健康时,我对于很多东西的态度都戏剧性地改变了,尤其是对于精制糖。When I started my studies of kinesiology and natural health, my attitude towards a lot of products, especially refined sugar, changed dramatically.

在此,我们研究了解剖结构如何互相配合,引起和表达运动,特别是在瑜伽体位法中。A discussion of the kinesiology of the area follows. Here we explore how anatomical structure interacts to create and express movement, especially in asana.

该手册使结构运动学通过介绍和简明的逻辑写作风格相结合的重要信息随时提供给学生。The Manual of Structural Kinesiology makes important information readily available to students through a combination of logical presentation and concise writing style.

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它们显著的健身效果源自于其深厚的东方哲学基础、心理学基础、人体生命科学基础以及完整的技术体系与技术方法。With its own integrated technical systems and skills, mianhuan exercise has obvious effects for health preserving based on the profound Eastern philosophy, psychology, and human kinesiology.

几年之前,康涅狄格大学运动机能学系的研究人员参与到东海岸的英式足球及橄榄球少年营地,以便对儿童的饮料习惯进行研究。A few summers ago, researchers from the University of Connecticut’s Department of Kinesiology showed up at youth soccer and football camps on the East Coast to study the kids’ drinking habits.

任何情感代码医生都可以通过“应用运动机能学”或“肌肉测试”释放所有压抑的情感,解除束缚的情绪构建的那道墙。Any emotion code practitioner can release all of the trapped emotions that make up this wall by locating and releasing all of the trapped emotions by using "Applied Kinesiology" or "Muscle Testing".