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无止境的,对不知悔改的和不信。Endless, of the impenitent and unbelieving.

我们会思念我们没有信的在地狱的朋友吗?Will we miss unbelieving friends and relatives who went to hell?

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我的朋友不禁站起身,惊讶得用手捂住了嘴巴。My friend was on her feet now, with one unbelieving hand against her mouth.

所以使徒禁止基督教徒去向一个异教徒的士师请求裁判。Hence the Apostle forbade the faithful to go to law before an unbelieving judge.

耶稣说,嗳,这又不信又悖谬的世代阿,我在你们这里要到几时呢。O unbelieving and perverse generation," Jesus replied, "how long shall I stay with you?

耶稣说,嗳,这又不信又悖谬的世代阿,我在你们这里要到几时呢。O unbelieving and perverse generation, " Jesus replied, "how long shall I stay with you?

但不信的犹太人从塞萨洛尼卡来到英镑小蘗碱的“煽动和令人不安的众多”。But unbelieving Jews from Thessalonica came to Bera "stirring up and troubling the multitude."

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但不信的犹太人从塞萨洛尼卡来的误码率“挑起和令人不安的众多”。But unbelieving Jews from Thessalonica came to Bera "stirring up and troubling the multitude".

即使是不相信耶稣的犹太人也从不否认旧约中充满了关于弥赛亚的预言。Even the unbelieving Jews never denied that the Old Testament was full of Messianic prophecies.

那些固执不信的犹太人,却挑拨并刺激外邦人的心,来相反弟兄们。But the unbelieving Jews stirred up and incensed the minds of the Gentiles against the brethren.

关于为什么不信的世人憎恨祂和天父,耶稣还给出了哪些原因?What additional reason did Jesus give concerning why the unbelieving world hates both he and his Father?

但不顺从的犹太人,煽动外族人,激起他们仇恨的心,来反对弟兄们。But the unbelieving Jews stirred up the Gentiles, and made their minds evil affected against the brethren.

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他承认他的困境,拉里不信,约翰爵士,他父亲就加入了村民在搜寻那只狼。Larry confesses his plight to his unbelieving father, Sir John, who then joins the villagers in a hunt for the wolf.

然而这位切石匠从未遇见过精灵,每次有人谈及它时,他总是摇摇头,一副怀疑的样子。The stone-cutter, however, had never seen this spirit and only shook his head with an unbelieving air when anyone spoke of it.

倘若那不信的人要离去,就由他离去吧!无论是弟兄,是姐妹,遇著这样的事都不必拘束。神召我们原是要我们和睦。But if the unbelieving partner separates, let it be so. In such cases the brother or sister is not enslaved. God has called you to peace.

然后敏锐地在不同的情况当中,将这些故事使用在你未信主的朋友身上。Then be sensitive and use the story that your unbelieving friend will relate to best. Different situations call for different testimonies.

例如在这片文章里,我们在“无神论者”、“无宗教者”、“无信仰者”“不信上帝者”这几个词中换来换去。In this article, for instance, we have danced between "atheistic", "non-theistic", "non-religious", "unbelieving" and "godless" as if they were synonyms.

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默默地为苦难贫穷的人群服务,向那些不信叛逆的人传道医病、行神迹,为将祂的大爱浇灌在人心中。In His dealings with the poor and needy, and those who were unbelieving and rebellious, and through His miracles, He poured out His love into the hearts of sinful men.

现在,我试图解决与平等就业机会委员会提出投诉,我练不采取不信神,不信的人乘坐的歧视!Right now, I am trying to resolve a complaint filed with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission that I am practicing discrimination by not taking godless, unbelieving people aboard!

通常是你说话的方式使听众发笑,因此说慢一些,记住扬扬眉毛或者摆出一副难以置信的表情,这些都会向人们显示你正在说笑话。Often it's the delivery which causes the audience to smile,so speak slowly and remember that a raised eyebrow or an unbelieving look may help to show that you are making a lighthearted remark.