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有四十个刎。There are forty.

就是四十法郎呵。That makes forty francs.

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这是四十年前的事了。This was forty years ago.

我想她大概有四十岁了吧。I think she’s about forty.

她狠命地鞭打他一顿。She whipped him like forty.

砍了爸爸四十下。Hit her father forty whacks.

打了她爸爸四十下。Hit her father forty whacks.

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她不可能超过四十岁。She can't be more than forty.

他们在富利见到了什么?。What they saw from the Forty?

他一共缝了不下四十针。He needed over forty stitches.

殷先生一定有四十多岁了。Mr Yin must be over forty now.

那时候,谢安已经四十多岁了。He was over forty at that time.

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有个鱼饵下沉到四十英寻的深处。One bait was down forty fathoms.

为吃这顿饭,我花了四十好几。This meal cost me over forty yuan.

砍了爸爸四十下。Hit he hit her father forty whacks.

此后四十年,这地方太平无事。Then the land had peace forty years.

在你们班有四十个学生吗?Are there forty pupils in your class?

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先做四十下伏地挺身。Then you're gonna give me forty more.

四十加十九等于五十九。Forty plus nineteen equals fifty-nine.

在你们班是有四十个学生吗?。Are there forty students in your class?