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后腿的臀大肌使髋部伸展。The back leg gluteus maximus extends the hip.

有四层这里的肌肉和臀大肌是第一个。She does not have a great butt, she is gluteus to the maximus.

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有四层这里的肌肉和臀大肌是第一个。Here are four muscles and the gluteus maximus is the first one.

麦克西姆无疑是神圣帝国最不同寻常的骑士。Maximus is indubitably the most unusual Knight of the Holy Empire.

费边。马克西姆斯确实成功地运用了新的“进攻性的费边战术”。Fabius Maximus did manage to use the new "Offensive Fabian Tactics".

古罗马最著名的地方之一就是马克西姆斯大赛场。One of the most famous places in ancient Rome was the Circus Maximus.

本文研究内收肌群和臀大肌的肌纤维型分布。The fiber types distribution in human adductor muscles and gluteus maximus was studied.

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好几千人整夜在户外露营,并且参加了在赛车竞技场整夜举行的守夜祈祷。Thousands camped out all night and took part in an all night prayer vigil at Circus Maximus.

退房在伟大的价格和使用这种新护舷低音吉他的选择。"guitarists" Maximus and provides a "new" way for Fender bass guitar minutes to choose from.

但是马克西姆斯逃跑了,被奴隶商抓住,最终成为了一个角斗士,在竞技场里为他的生命而战斗。But Maximus escapes, gets captured by slave traders and ends up as a gladiator fighting for his life in the arena.

大菱鲆肠道蛋白酶的分离纯化及性质的初步研究。Preliminary study on purification and partial characterization of the intestine protease from Scophthalmus maximus L.

如果进行纯粹的力量测试,四头肌和臀大肌则是人体中横纹肌纤维密度最高的地区。The quadriceps and gluteus maximus have the highest concentration of striated muscle fibers, a pure measure of strength.

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阔筋膜张肌和臀中肌将大腿骨向内,平衡由臀大肌产生的向外的力量。The tensor fascia lata and gluteus medius turn the thigh bone inward, balancing the turning-out force of the gluteus maximus.

臀大肌使弯曲退侧臀部向外。髋部深处的外旋肌辅助维持这个外旋动作。The gluteus maximus turns the bent leg hip outward. External rotator muscles deep in the hip assist in maintaining the turnout.

强调手术时彻底松解紧张的髂胫束和部分紧张的臀大肌止点是手术成功的关键。Thoroughly releasing the tensional iliotibia tract and partial insertion of gluteus maximus is the key of a successful operation.

结果表明,臀大肌接种反应发生率及严重程度比上臂三角肌接种明显降低。The results shown that side effects the and order of seventy that gluteus maximus muscle was obvious lower than deltoideus muscle.

他号称“大祭司长”,即罗马领土上的总祭司,这是历代皇帝所享用过的所有头衔中最古老的称呼。He took the title of pontifex maximus head sacrificial priest of the roman dominion the most ancient of all titles that the emperors had enjoyed.

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在以前的公路表演赛中,雷诺的赛车曾经来到过莫斯科的红场,罗马的大角斗场和土耳其博斯普鲁斯的大堤上。Previous roadshows have seen renault 's car running in moscow's red square at the circus maximus in rome and on the banks of the bosphorus in turkey.

我们应用以下臀动脉为营养血管之部分臀大肌,并加以翻转来治疗两个复发性荐部褥疮的病人。We have used the gluteus maximus muscle based on the inferior gluteal artery as turnover flaps for covering recurrent sacral pressure sores in two cases.

剧中,罗马皇帝马库斯,不信任自己的儿子康茂德,却让马克西姆斯将军来继承王位,并把罗马带回旧共和国时期。Play, the Roman emperor Marcus, do not trust his son Kangmao De, allows the General Maximus to the throne, and to bring back the old Roman Republic period.