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那是一种缺乏鉴赏力和真实性的胡诌。It was a jumble without taste or truth.

这篇散文思想混乱,使人不知所云。The essay was a meaningless jumble of ideas.

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桌子上的东西很杂乱。The things on the table were all in a jumble.

很有可能你注意到的是思想一片混乱。Most likely you’ll notice a jumble of thoughts.

经理脑子里一团乱麻。The manager floundered among a jumble of thoughts.

我们把一些旧衣物捆起来准备义卖。We bundled up some old clothes for the jumble sale.

他们翻找出了一些旧衣服去做义卖。They rummaged out some old clothes for the jumble sale.

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约翰和他弟弟如此之相像,以至于我把他们混淆起来了。John and his brother is so much alike that I jumble them up.

拉胡德先生和FRA首先应当理解这种混乱的局面,然后作出决定。It is up to Mr LaHood and the FRA to make sense of this jumble.

两者都是从一大堆互相连接的部件中浮现出来的模式。Both are a pattern that emerges from a jumble of interconnected parts.

如果你想用啤酒搭配配菜,那就试试我们的“烈凤什锦”!If you're looking for a side dish to your beer, try our "Yul Bong Jumble"!

假如你想用啤酒搭配配菜,那就试试我们的“烈凤什锦”!If you're looking for a side dish to your drink- try our"Yul Bong Jumble"!

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在第一个任务中,她让蚂蚁们帮助她去整理混杂在一起的大量种子。In the first task, she assigns ants to help her sort through a huge jumble of seeds.

岩石相互滚动,乱成一团,物质被向上推起,就起了皱褶。It crumbles, with a jumble of rock rolling over each other as the mass is pushed upward.

疾病造成从她的脊椎底神经致残漏外。The disease left her with a crippling jumble of nerves jutting out from the base of her spine.

吭吭巴巴吐出的这些个,是引发Angell教授纠结兴奋回忆的关键。This verbal jumble was the key to the recollection which excited anddisturbed Professor Angell.

欢呼声低落下去后,伊格尔介绍起每个仙灵,这一大串名字在我耳边叮当作响。As the cheering faded, Igel introduced each faery, but the jumble of names clanged against my ears.

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一列车的车顶被部分撕裂,留下一大堆扭曲的金属残骸。One of the trains had part of its roof sheared off, and the wreckage was a jumble of twisted metal.

书斋其他架子还算整齐,但这边架上全是无用小东西,乱成一团。Whereas the other displays in his library are well organized, this shelf is just a jumble of trinkets.

这时一个调皮的女青年搞乱了唱片的速度,好好戏耍了赵主任一番。At this moment a piquant girl jumble the speed of disc, good good play made fun of Director Zhao one time.