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大于音位的口语单位。A unit of spoken language larger than a phoneme.

儿童早期对听到的所有音位都非常敏感Early on, children are sensitive to every phoneme there is.

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音素、音位和音位变体有什么区别?What are the differences among phone, phoneme and allophone?

入声字是上古音在方言中的遗留。The entering tone is the phoneme of remote age left in dialect.

单个的音位可以代表一个语素,但他们并不总是一致的。Asingle phoneme may represent a single morpheme, but they are not identical.

文章讨论了黑龙江方言的分区以及代表音系。The paper is about the distribution of Heilongjiang dialect and typical phoneme.

音素HMM语音识别是当前语音识别领域的一个热点。Phoneme HMM recognition technique is a hot spot in the area of speech recognition.

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临沂方言的轻声不仅调值弱化,其音节中的音素也发生了变化。The tone value is not only weakened, but also the phoneme of syllables isc hanged.

本节其余部分描述与语音设备配套使用的音素形状的创建?The rest of this section describes creating phoneme shapes for use with the Voice device.

该系统还尝试把这个音素流与活动语法中的条目匹配起来。The system also attempts to match this phoneme stream with an entry in an active grammar.

这一计划一般用途的音素意识作为其方法,以了解如何阅读效率。This program generally uses phoneme awareness as its method to learn how to read efficiently.

他还在探索用音素训练来作为成年人学习外语的辅助手段。He is also exploring the use of phoneme training as an aid to adults learning a foreigh language.

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这一方法和把一个音位分析成更小的叫作区别性特征的方法类似。This is parallel to the way a phoneme is analyzed into smaller components called distinctive features.

对于将被识别的词,计算机必须有其音素流或发音。A computer must have the phoneme string, or pronunciation, for each word that it is expected to recognize.

非音质音位的教学与辅导是普通话教学中的一个重点和难点。The non-tone quality phoneme is an important and difficult point in he teaching and coaching of Putonghua.

汉语音素可以突破音素化汉字注音方案的整齐性。Chinese phoneme characters can break through the neatness of the phonetic annotation of Chinese characters.

要选择哪个音素样本来合成语句的各个部份?这可是极具挑战的工作。Determining which phoneme example should be selected to synthesize each part of the sentence is challenging.

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作者按照辅音与元音各自的特点客观详细地描述了我国诸暨方言音素的性质特征,并对它们进行了分类。She describes each Zhuji phoneme and gives a brief comparison between the Zhuji Dialect and PTH sound systems.

本文认为根据音位学理论,一个单词中的所有音素都必须成为音节的一部分。Thispaper argues that every phoneme in a word must be syllabified according to the received syllable template.

在文中,音素持续时间信息被添加到传统模型上,以提高说话人辨识率。In this paper, phoneme duration information is added to the conventional model to improve the recognition rate.