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亚银有太多经费投注在石化能源业。Too much ADB money is still channeled toward fossil fuel energy.

现在奥巴马总统表示宽带网络也同样需要尽力来拓展。Now President Ob am as ays a similar effort is needed to exp and bro adb and networks.

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亚洲开发银行说,各国政府需要做出更大的努力来为青年工人提供教育和培训,帮助他们找到工作。The ADB says governments need to do more to educate young workers and help them find jobs.

亚行官员主要检查了技援工作的进展情况,讨论并确定了项目目标和范围。ADB officials reviewed TA progress, and discussed confirmation of project objective and scope.

亚洲开发银行行长黑田东彦在会议开幕式上指出,亚洲需要调整自身的增长模式。ADB President Haruhiko Kuroda told the opening session Asia needs to restructure its growth model.

较小的国家,如柬埔寨,则呼吁亚洲开发银行把其借贷集中在最贫穷的亚洲国家上。Smaller countries such as Cambodia urged the ADB to focus its lending on the poorest Asian states.

这个恢复的目标是避免利用从菜单拜候的所有功能直接亚行。The purpose of this recovery is to avoid using adb by accessing all features directly from the menu.

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亚开行可能还会发行更多人民币债券,具体要看它在中国的项目融资需求和投资者对债券的需求怎么样。The ADB may issue more yuan bonds, depending on project-financing needs in China as well as demand from investors.

亚洲开发银行指出,印度尼西亚现在花在燃料补贴方面的资金已经超过了公共卫生和教育经费的总和。The ADB says that Indonesia, for example, spends more on fuel subsidies than on public health and education combined.

亚洲开发银行的报告指出,即使市场可能已经触底,最终的复苏可能也要拖很长时间。The ADB report says that, even if the markets may have reached bottom, the eventual recovery could still be drawn-out.

亚行首席经济学家李钟和称,调高经济增长预测主要是由于银行贷款和固定资产投资的快速增长。A surge in bank lending and fixed asset investments prompted the positive revision, ADB chief economist Jong-Wha Lee said.

亚洲开发银行,专门向远东地区的欠发达国家贷款,有的贷款为特优贷款。它也提供技术援助。The ADB specializes in loans, some on concessionary term, to LDCs in the Far East. It also. provides technical assistance.

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环保团体绿色和平组织带头挞伐,呼吁亚银增加经费推广乾净能源技术。The environmental group Greenpeace led the attack, urging the ADB to spend more money on promoting clean energy technologies.

亚洲开发银行在其使命上利用政策对话,贷款,股本投资,担保,赠款和技术援助在该地区与贫困作斗争。The ADB uses policy dialogue, loans, equity investments, guarantees, grants and technical assistance in its mission to fight poverty in the region.

根据亚发行的调查,在一个没能利用北京、天津的经济发展之势尽快发展自己的省分中,这些地区是贫困的极端代表。According to the ADB study, these areas represent extremes of poverty in a province that has failed to cash in on the growth of Beijing and Tianjin.

亚开行还提出了让这只债券在香港交易所挂牌上市的申请,使之成为第一只在该所交易和结算的人民币债券。The ADB also has applied to list the bonds on the Hong Kong stock exchange, making them the first yuan-denominated bonds to be traded and settled there.

主要成员国日本、中国和印度,支持该行长期战略,即提供低成本信贷和技术援助,以提高农业生产率。Leading members Japan, China and India backed long-term ADB strategy to provide low-cost credit and technical assistance to raise agricultural productivity.

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亚行项目在贷款生效前即要求建立起项目的监测和评价体系,每季度或每半年出具项目报告。ADB projects require to establish project monitoring and evaluation system before the commencement of loan, to issue project report quarterly or semiannually.

亚洲开发银行说,这些变化可能导致大米减产,并给在其他方面对作物造成损害,尤其是气温升高和风暴越来越频繁的现象。Those changes, especially the higher temperatures and a rising incidence of storms, could combine to cut rice yields and otherwise damage crops, the ADB said.

担心环境问题,许多抗议者要求ADB停止提供燃煤能源的计画,并代以乾净、可更新的能源。Dozens of protesters called for ADB to stop financing coal power projects which they said causes environmental problems and to commit to clean and renewable energy.