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我们在礼堂集合。We assembled in the auditorium.

这礼堂可容纳1000人。This auditorium can hold 1,000 people.

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学生集合在礼堂里。Students congregated in the auditorium.

学生们在礼堂里集合。Students are congregated in the auditorium.

学生在礼堂集合。The students are congregated in the auditorium.

那边还有克雷斯吉礼堂。There is Kresge Auditorium which is over there.

请勿将食品、饮料带入观众厅内。No food and drink is permitted in the auditorium.

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他们耐心地排队进入礼堂。They queued patiently to get into the auditorium.

教务长把学生集合在礼堂里。The dean assembled the students in the auditorium.

会堂变成了危机出现时的驾驶室。The auditorium becomes a gigantic cockpit in crisis.

这次迎新会在肯尼迪礼堂举行。The presentation was held in the Kennedy Auditorium.

一个大型礼堂敞向另一边的中庭。A large auditorium opens off atrium on the other side.

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请勿将食品,饮料带入观众厅内。Food or drink should not be taken into the auditorium.

教师把全体同学集合在礼堂内。The teacher gathered all the pupils in the auditorium.

你的——就是甘先生在公会堂里病得很厉害。Your—that is, Mr. Kane is quite sick at the Auditorium.

剧院俗丽的观众席让人想起早先的时代。The theatre's raffish auditorium recalls an earlier era.

像礼堂这样的演讲厅有利于集中注意力。A lecture-hall like auditorium is good for concentration.

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比如说,我现在正盯着观众席上的椅子So right now I'm looking at the chairs in the auditorium.

学生和教职员把大礼堂挤得水泄不通。Students and faculty crowded every inch of the auditorium.

礼堂不算大,只能坐六七百人。The auditorium is not big, which can only seat 6700 people.