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不要那么粗枝大叶。Don't be so careless.

不小心扎伤手指。Careless finger pricks.

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他们全不理会你的悲伤。Careless of thy sorrowing.

你做事总这么毛糙。You are always so careless.

但是,错就错在不小心。But to be careless is wrong.

他是个粗枝大叶的浪荡子。He is a careless profligate.

我愿做无优无虑的小孩I would I were a careless child

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无心的快语可能引发争执。A careless word may kindle strife.

我因为这样粗枝大叶而感到惭愧。I thought shame to be so careless.

一招不慎,全盘皆输。One careless loses the whole game.

真是个粗心的家伙!别着急。What a careless guy. Take it easy.

开车不小心使他丧了命。Careless driving cost him his life.

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我们不节约使用能源。We are careless about using energy.

你总是犯粗心的错误?Do you often make careless mistakes?

这工作做得粗枝大叶,重做!This is careless work. Do it again !

对个人安全可别马大哈!Don't be careless of your own safety!

他仿佛已把自己的安危置之度外。He seemed careless of his own safety.

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包装时不小心碰伤了水果。Bruised the fruit by careless packing.

他随便往椅子里舒舒适服一坐。He sat into a chair with careless ease.

我的女儿花钱总是大手大脚。My daughter is too careless with money.