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这种金属线很容易弄直。This kind of wire is easy to unbend.

别生气,甜蜜的女郎,舒展眉头吧!Ah! frown not, sweet lady, unbend your soft brow.

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教授在课下大都很随便。Most professors unbend outside the lecture theatre.

他得了脑瘫,并接受了7次手术以矫正四肢。He has cerebral palsy and has already had seven operations to unbend his arms and legs.

然后抓住弯曲腿脚跟与伸直腿相贴近的位置。Hold the position that curves leg calcaneal and press close to of unbend leg photograph next.

在膝盖上面做了纠正手术,已经2个多月了,脚怎么不能完全伸直的。In correct forehand art was made above knee, already 2 many months, foot how cannot of complete unbend.

反扣的手臂松开,伸直腿,身体放松,手掌放在地上休息10秒钟。The arm that buckles instead is loose, unbend leg, the body is loosened, palmar ground rests 10 seconds.

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伤员下肢骨折固定时,肢体要弯着呈屈肘状伸直捆绑。When fracture of the wounded lower limbs is secured, limbs wants curved move to show bend ancon unbend to bind.

用手掌撑地,头部朝下,两臂和两腿均伸直的人体倒置动作。Supports with the palm of the hand under, the forehead faces, two arms and two legs unbend human body inversion movement.

在抓举比赛中,要求选手伸直双臂,用一次连续动作将杠铃举过头顶。In the snatch competition, requests the contestant to unbend the double arm, continuously act with the barbell has lifted the top of the head.

脱下你的上衣和鞋子,解下腰带和领带,如有眼镜也请摘下,伸直身子躺在床上的褥垫上。Take off next your jacket and shoe, unship chatelaine and cravat, if glasses also is picked please, unbend body lies on the mattress on the bed.

我的右肘骨折了一个月了,现在夹板拆了,可还是不能完全伸直和弯曲,我该怎么尽快恢复?My right ancon fracture a month, splint was torn open now, still can be cannot complete unbend and bend, how should I restore as soon as possible?

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用力使臀部肌肉拉紧,手贴在大腿上,数3时大腿放下,数4时腿脚伸直,呼吸要均匀。Make coxal muscle taut forcibly, the hand is stuck on ham, several 3 when ham is put down, several 4 when unbend of ability to walk, breath wants even.

向内作圆周运动,先腕关节,后肘关节,最后两臂伸直再活动肩关节,各做4次。Make circular motion upcountry , first wrist, hind ancon is articulatory, finally reprise of two arms unbend the shoulder is articulatory, each are done 4 times.

两臂伸直,双掌置于地面,展开幅度稍大于肩宽,膝盖微微弯曲并交叉脚踝。Unbend your two arms, park two palms on the ground, the outspreading range should slightly be larger than the shoulder width, bend knees slightly and cross the ankle.

两腿继续上举成身体倒立状态,身体重心落在肩上,两腿尽可能伸直,两脚穿紧拖鞋。Two legs to continue into the body lift on state body gravity fall, stand on his head on his shoulders, legs, two feet as far as possible unbend wearing tight slippers.

不正确的弯腰拾物姿势是双腿伸直站立,在不屈曲或少屈曲髋、膝关节的情况下弯腰拾东西。Bow the pose that pick up content is double leg unbend stands incorrectly, bow below the circumstance of castiron music or little inflectional coxa , knee joint pick up a thing.

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作仰卧位体检时,首先要观察患者腰部是否能够平放在床上,双侧髋关节及膝关节是否能够伸直。Make lie on one's back a check- up when, should observe whether patient waist can be made the same score above all put on the bed, bilateral hip joint and knee joint whether can unbend.

在公共生活上他满怀激情,但也能和和气气对我这样一个毛头小伙谈论最艰深的话题,而没有一点屈尊俯就的样子。Full of fire as he was in his public life, he could also unbend graciously so as to talk on the most difficult subjects to a stripling like myself without any trace of a patronising tone.