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这两个音又游移不定。These two sounds keep on vacillating.

我在大部分事情上,是个迟疑不决的、动摇不定的人。I am a very irresolute, vacillating man in most things.

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下冲时,最好让茶叶在盖碗中能翻腾起来。High when rushing, had better let tea in GaiWan can vacillating.

这些见不得光的羊肠小道、角落和缝隙是苏格拉底蕴育他的道德学说的温床。These visceral, vacillating lanes, nooks and crannies were his ethical nursery.

她已经承诺星期五打电话给他们,可在星期三下午她还是踌躇不定。She had promised to call them by Friday, and on Wednesday afternoon she was still vacillating.

远岸的重山透出清新的绿,在水中映出斑驳的倒影。Mountains, now refreshingly green in the distant shores, made vacillating reflections in the water.

在有些事情上他也发表了一些相反的言论,这表明他本人也是在犹豫。The way he comments contradictorily in the middle of something shows that he himself is vacillating.

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因此,跟我一样,她似乎持模棱两可的观点,游弋在乐观主义和悲观主义两个极端之间。So – like me – she seems to be ambivalent, vacillating between the two poles of optimism and pessimism.

民族资产阶级是动摇的,它同帝国主义、封建主义有千丝万缕的联系。As a vacillating class, the national bourgeoisie has a thousand and one links with imperialism and feudalism.

他会把种种条件和限制堆砌在一起,尽管这样讲话标志着他的细腻敏锐,但也使他显得优柔寡断、软弱无力。The piling up of conditions and reservations, though a mark of subtlety, makes him seem vacillating and weak.

阿拉斯加阿留申群岛附近,这种刚刚发现的新大型褐藻在浅浅的北冰洋海水中摇摆。Vacillating in shallow Arctic waters, this new species of kelp was discovered near Alaska's Aleutian Islands.

我一直宽宏大量,并且让人们认为我软弱和优柔寡断。I have been generous to a fault, and I have allowed the perception that I am weak and vacillating in my decisions.

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缺乏机遇总是意志薄弱、优柔寡断者的借口。机遇!每个人的生命中都充满着机遇!The lack of opportunity is ever the excuse of a weak, vacillating mind. Opportunities! Every life is full of them.

意志脆弱优柔寡断的人,总是以缺乏机会为借口。机会!在每个人的生活当中,无处不在。The lack of opportunity is ever the excuse of a weak, vacillating mind. Opportunities! Every life is full of them.

仍是那种嘶哑的嗓子,仍是那个因风吹日晒而发黑起皱的额头,仍是那种放肆、散乱、浮动的目光。It was the same harsh voice, the same brow dimmed and wrinkled with tan, the same free, wild, and vacillating glance.

她确实再三写道,软弱的、世俗化的、犹豫不定的人将要被揺出去,留下一班洁净的子民完成这项工作。She did write repeatedly that the weak, worldly, vacillating ones would be shaken out, leaving a pure people to finish the work.

不过她早已下了决心,而且现在不去了,也似乎显得有些像小孩子一样犹豫不决了,除非有重要的理由才能回去。Her resolve, however, had been taken, and it seemed vacillating even to childishness to abandon it now, unless for graver reasons.

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第二,主席可以幕后推动总统不情愿地采取某些外交行动。Second, a chairman may serve as a powerful behind-the-scene force and push an otherwise vacillating president to adopt a certain foreign policy.

炎池,火红的岩浆汹涌翻腾着,似有一只被激怒的巨兽在岩浆下剧烈的翻滚,搅起一片岩浆巨浪。Burning pond, fire the red magma Be dashing to seethe, have a mammoth giant being incensed is maniacal vacillating under the magma, start to stir one magma billow.

世俗之人经常在追求欢乐,他们习惯对迷人与讨厌的事物,做出极端的反应,并且一直在这两端之间,来回摆荡,无法止息。In pursuit of pleasure, not only the mundane people react extremely according to their likes and dislikes, but they also cannot stop themselves from vacillating between the two.