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手稿的真实性是毋庸置疑。The facticity of manuscript is indubitability.

社会确实拥有客观事实。Society does indeed possess objective facticity.

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首先,情感创造的真实性是袁枚着重强调的。He think the poesy's vitality and charm is the facticity of emotion.

第三章是收益真实性的分析与评价。The third section analyses and evaluates the facticity of the earnings.

亦即人类所有的活动就介于「事实性」跟「偶然性」之间。That is to say, every human activity lies between facticity and contingency.

整体真实要求面临的困境,尤须引起特别的关注。The predicaments of the integrated facticity should be particularly noticed.

允许任何痛苦、忧伤或困难存在,接受那些事实。Allow any pain, sorrow, or difficulty just to be there, accepting its " facticity ."

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“真实性”是现实主义小说人物塑造的核心原则。"Facticity"is the core principle on how to figure out the characters in the fictions.

这些都证实了人们爱美的真实性和可靠性。These had proved the facticity and reliability of the people who love beautiful things.

这破坏了数据的保密性,完整性,可用性和真实性。All these threat destroys the data's confidentiality . integrity, availability and facticity.

企业的财务管理目标要满足客观性和可操作性两个基本要求。The objective of the corporate finance management meets the facticity and the maneuverability.

最后通过Vissim仿真的结果对比来验证此方法的合理性及有效性。Finally, its facticity and reasonability was examined by the comparison of VISSIM simulation results.

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本文则力图在对早期海德格尔的实际性思想方面做一次尝试性的探讨。This paper attempts to make a tentative research on the aspect of Heidegger's early thought of facticity.

您是否能帮忙证明这张汇票真实与否,请尽快向我们告知结果。Could you please kindly identify the facticity of this draft and inform us the result as soon as possible.

作为一种消极情绪,考试焦虑严重影响了某些学生在考试中学习成绩的真实性。As a passive emotion, examination anxiety seriously effects some students on facticity of examination scores.

为了保证考试的客观性、准确性和真实性,务必实现考试科学化和规范化。Efforts should be made to ensure objectivity, accuracy and facticity by scientific and standardized course tests.

具体真实与整体真实的关系,一直是新闻真实论关注的重要问题。The relationship of the concrete facticity with the integrated facticity has been focused on by the theories of news facticity.

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在节目运作中应该遵循真实的原则,创造真实的谈话节目。The "facticity" should be followed as a principle during program operation and a real conversation TV program is supposed to be produced.

明确具体真实与整体真实的含义,厘定各自的特点,十分重要。It is important to define the connotations of concrete factieity and the integrated facticity as well as their characteristics respectively.

PKI技术能够有效满足网络应用中的机密性、完整性、真实性及不可否认性和存取控制等安全需求。PKI can effectively meet many safety requirements for confidentiality, integrality, facticity an acceptability and access control for network applications.