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来,再尝点儿这种酒。Here, have some more of this grog.

她说,“必须采取措施控制酗酒问题”。Something needs to be done to curb this river of grog.

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它是由重晶石、沸石、生石灰、石膏、水泥熟料组成。It is composed with barite, zeolite, quick lime, gypsum, and cement grog.

他们通常要浸在水中或熟料或粉碎和混合湿的食物,使它们食用。They usually had to be dipped in water or grog or crushed and mixed with wet food to make them edible.

“我们是讲道理的民族,”假摄政王回答他,啜饮着随身带来的绿色琼浆。"We are a reasonable people, " the false Regent returned, sipping at the green grog he had brought with him.

对链斗输送机输运的水泥熟料核子计量进行了模拟实验研究。A simulated test for measuring the cement grog conveyed by chain-boxes conveyer with nuclear technology was conducted.

对你的一片好心,我们都不胜感激,你也看到了,我们相信你,你给的药我们都当甜酒似地喝了。We're all humbly grateful for your kindness, and, as you see, puts faith in you, and takes the drugs down like that much grog.

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使用铁氧体生料和堇青石生料,在合适的工艺制度下,制备了堇青石红外辐射复相陶瓷。The all raw meal ingredient and all grog ingredient of cordierite and ferrites were prepared, and the composite ceramics was prepared.

例如,普遍以砂粒代替碎陶末做羼和料,模制成型法的进步,烧成后期主要是还原气氛。For instance, grog was insteaded by sand as temper, molding technique was developed, atmosphere in later period of firing was often reducing.

其他村民们敲打着桌子,大声欢呼——他们已经喝了很长一段时间烈酒。囚室的门关上了,隐约还能听见他们的大笑声。The rest of the villagers roared and pounded the table. They had been drinking grog for some time now. The door slid shut, drowning out their laughter.

由于高压辊压机的良好节能效果,使得它在水泥熟料粉磨过程中使用量不断增加。Owing to the perfect saving-energy effect of the Hp roller presser, the quantity of the equipment is increasingly applied in the process of cement grog pulverization.