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我们管那叫冰箱。They call that a fridge.

是谁没关冰箱门?Who left the fridge open?

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这台冰箱已不能修理了。The fridge is beyond repair.

没有,但有一台冰箱和一个电炉。No, but a fridge and a stove.

冰箱里没有牛奶了。There is no milk in the fridge.

买个能制冷的冰箱吧。Get a fricking fridge that works.

你把冰箱的温度调到“低”You set your fridge temp to "cold"

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腌海鲜只能放在冰箱里。Marinate seafood in the fridge only.

这台冰箱保用三年。The fridge is guaranteed for 3 years.

不管怎么样,冰箱里没有牛奶了。Anyway, there's no milk in the fridge.

事实上,我们有一个非磁性冰箱。In fact, we have a nonmagnetic fridge.

把它放时宜冰箱里,否则就坏了。Put it in the fridge opf it will go bad.

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偷来的装着血的袋子放在冰箱里。Stolen bags of blood were in the fridge.

那么,你可以去修修冰箱门吧?Well then, could you fix the fridge door?

小心别记你的冰箱出什么毛病。Be careful not to let your fridge go wrong.

除了今天冰箱里没有牛奶。Except today, there's no milk in the fridge.

现在,轮到害怕我自己看到冰箱里的东西。Now I'm afraid to look in the fridge myself.

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看看句型冰箱里没有鸡蛋了。There aren't a particulary eggs in the fridge.

我要买些冰箱贴和钥匙扣。I'd like to buy some fridge magnetandkey rings.

冰箱里的牛奶和鱼是给我的。The milk and the fish in the fridge are for me.