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他们应该说我们过度地简化了人格理论。They should say we were simplifying unduly.

胸骨明显,但没有夸张的突出。The breastbone bold, without being unduly prominent.

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为此,我国目前不宜大张旗鼓地主张法官造法。To this end, China should not unduly favor the judge-made law.

一个分裂的国家必须担负过度高昂的政府费用。A disunited nation has to incur unduly high costs of government.

大厂商并不想过分地与政府发生顶撞。Large firms do not wish to antagonize the federal government unduly.

把这些疾病及其症状都列出来,但不必过于忧虑。Make a list of them and their symptoms but do not get unduly worried.

因此,一个处于分裂的国家必须要支付过高的行政管理费用。A disunited nation therefore has to incur unduly high costs of government.

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因此,一个处于分裂状态的国家必然要支付过高的行政管理费用。A disunited nation therefore has to incur unduly high costs of government.

但说青年失业同犯罪之间毫无联系大概会显得过度乐观。But to say there is no link to crime more generally looks unduly optimistic.

显然,他也没有过分担心这么做违反了反吸烟法。He clearly isn't unduly anxious about breaking the anti-smoking laws, either.

通用电气和微软并没有因为其摇滚明星式CEO的离开而受到不利影响。Both GE and Microsoft have not been unduly affected by the loss of their Rock Star CEOs.

样品不应当过分大,以致不恰当地增加了衍射束的宽度。The sample should not be so large as to increase unduly the width of the diffracted beam.

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政府谈判代表基伦佐说,政府方面在谈判中感到过度的压力。Government negotiator Mutula Kilonzo said his side is feeling unduly pressured in the talks.

货款保证委员会要求我们做的事,并不完全是毫无意义的或者是故意刁难的。Not everything that the Loan Guarantee Board asked us to do was trivial or unduly meddlesome.

我想与大家互勉,不要因这些困难而过分忧虑。Let me share with you the thought that we should not be unduly troubled by these difficulties.

在欧洲央行内部,官员们担心IMF的数据过度考虑了投资者的信心。Inside the ECB, officials have worried the IMF figures have weighed unduly on investor confidence.

由于我存了相当大的一笔钱,我并不为立即另找工作而忧心忡忡。Since I had a tidy sum of money saved I was not unduly anxious about finding another job immediately.

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他说道,“他们关注的焦点在于经济的不平等,他们控诉的是整个党派受到了少数的精英阶层的过度影响。Their focus on economic inequality indicts both parties for being unduly influenced by the top 1 percent.

在完成一洞后和在下一洞发球区开球之间,球员不得过度延误比赛。Between completion of a hole and playing from the next teeing ground, the player must not unduly delay play.

您需要的是比较简单的、更具表达力的强大授权模型。What you need is a more powerful model of authorization that is more expressive without being unduly complex.