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或者有点像狄更斯笔下的世界?Or maybe Dickensian?

狄更斯式的地方,汤姆。A Dickensian place, Tom.

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这些故事是从哪而来的的呢?,“噢,这是狄更斯的母亲!Where's that story coming from? Well, this is a Dickensian mother.

这些故事是从哪而来的的呢?,“噢,这是狄更斯的母亲!“Where's that story coming from? Well, this is a Dickensian mother.

这些协议里陈述的条款非凡的白痴行为很明显是狄更斯式的。The terms set out in thoseagreements are positively Dickensian in their marvelous idiocy.

准备好迎接狄更生式的,包含积雪、街头顽童和穿着马甲的绅士的轻松情节。Prepare yourself for a Dickensian romp complete with snow, street urchins and gentlemen in waistcoats.

农民脱离家走进城市,为了菲薄单薄的工资在又苦又累的工厂工作。Peasants leave their homes and head to the cities, where they work in Dickensian factories for low wages.

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槟榔屿港口的这家类似狄更斯笔下噪声轰鸣的锻造工厂,其实只是亚洲的一个缩影。The roar from this Dickensian forge in the port of Penang is part of a greater reverberation across Asia.

电影给人一种悲愤之中的妖艳之感,这就写作技巧被人们称为“狄更斯式的风格”。There is something voluptuous in the rage inspired by the kind of meanness we are used to calling Dickensian.

歌词则是狄更斯风格和现代风格的碰撞,充满牧歌般的田园与杂乱无章的城市之间的冲突。The lyrics is a collision of the Dickensian and the modern, in which pastoral idyll collides against urban sprawl.

这时的我已经有些神志不清,真想回去看看,小饭馆里奇怪的幽灵一般的母亲。I wanted to go back and leer at my strange Dickensian mother in the hash joint. I tingled all over from head to foot.

这个中国内陆省山西的一个被煤染黑的城市,让狄更斯笔下的伦敦看起来就像一个质朴的自然公园。This soot-blackened city in China's inland Shanxi province makes Dickensian London look as pristine as a nature park.

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这是一幢上下各两层且带有一个小厨房结构的屋子,以其黑暗和烟熏的色调,给人一种直逼狄更斯的感觉。It's a two-up, two-down with a little kitchen and almost has a Dickensian feel to it, with its dark and sooty colours.

他发觉他们是“勇敢的”,而我们自己也同样地看到他富有创造性的适应能力和狄更斯式的强装勇敢。He finds them 'brave, ' and we ourselves may come to see his inventive adaptability, his Dickensian bravado, in the same light.

即使现在人们依然认为非国有企业对待员工都像狄更斯小说里描述的一样。Even today, there is still the lingering notion that a non-State-owned enterprise could be Dickensian in treating its employees.

这部电影被称作“狄更斯式的作品”——并且自由地借用印度电影传统,直至闭幕舞蹈表演。The film has been called "Dickensian" -- and freely borrows from Indian film traditions, right down to its closing dance number.

我想像的很是美好,走在带有文豪狄更斯笔下特色的街角市场,设想着派翠西亚讨价原价买到手的英式草莓。How wonderful, I thought, as I imagined her haggling for fresh English strawberries with some Dickensian character at the corner fruit market.

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但是藏在英俊男人外表下的是赤裸野心与极度脆弱的戏剧性有效结合,很可能均源于他在布朗克斯区度过的狄更斯式童年。But behind the pretty-boy looks was a dramatically potent combination of naked ambition and deep vulnerability, both likely products of his Dickensian childhood in the Bronx.

我是个新英格兰矿区工人家庭的孩子,父亲在邻镇化工厂上班,那个镇比我们家所在的地方还要荒凉些。I was a working-class kid in a small working-class New England mill town, and my father worked in a chemical factory in the even bleaker and more Dickensian factory town next door.

孩子某种程度上是因工作而死的,他们狄更斯式的故事是对中国农村的极其无法无天的写照,让人寒心且难以置信。The Dickensian tale of children who had been, in some sense, worked to death, was a chilling and all-too believable allegory for the worst kinds of excess in the Chinese countryside.