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苍白的梦何时不再苍白?Cadaverous dream when no longer cadaverous ?

皮下水肿则使皮肤显得苍白。Hypodermic oedema makes the skin appears cadaverous.

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适合皮肤泛黄或苍白的人使用。Suit the skin to float yellow or cadaverous person is used.

贫血严重者,眼底苍白最为常见。Anaemic and serious person, eye ground is cadaverous most common.

没有化妆,苍白,冷漠,是因为天气的缘故吧。Did not make up, cadaverous , chill, be the cause because of weather.

早期主要的症状为面色苍白,疲乏无力。Inchoate and main symptom is complexion cadaverous , tired and faint.

包容一切美好与残缺,填写岁月的苍白,织补生命的空洞。Include all happiness and misshapen, fill in of years cadaverous , of darning life empty.

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他的神情犹如一具死尸,然而令人惊奇的是,他却长着一双丰满而颇有性感的嘴唇。He had so cadaverous an air that it surprised you to notice how full and sensual were his lips.

是统计代码上苍白的数字,还是转换成金钱后的喜悦?It is the cadaverous number on statistical code, be still the joyance after changeover becomes money?

溶血性贫血、恶性贫血患者苍白中带有黄的色调。Malign and haemolysis sex anaemia, anaemic patient is cadaverous in contain those who fizzle out is tonal.

病人昏倒呈昏迷状态,高烧,惊厥,皮肤苍白或呈青紫色。Patient faint shows narcosis , high fever, convulsions, the skin cadaverous or the purple that show blueness.

孩子10岁了,出现脸色,嘴唇苍白,请问是啥回事?。The child 10 years old, occurrence complexion, the lip is cadaverous , be what returns a responsibility excuse me?

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而在白色之中又融入了传统的一些线条、色彩以及风格,使之不致过于单调苍白。And a few line that blended in a tradition again in white, colour and style, make do not send too drab and cadaverous.

记者急忙瞥了布里森登一眼,估计了一下那形容柏槁的快要死去的入的赤化程度,问道。The reporter asked, with a quick glance at Brissenden that appraised the color-value of that cadaverous and dying man.

花紫红色至紫色,淡蓝色至苍白色,平展,大小的变异幅度较大。Beautiful amaranth comes purple, baby blue comes cadaverous color, open and flat, the mutation range of size is bigger.

里面几乎没有穿黑衣服戴圆边帽的人。是些穿罩衫、布褂、戴鸭舌帽、头发蓬乱竖立、面如土色的人。There were hardly any black coats or round hats now, but smock frocks, blouses, caps, and bristling and cadaverous heads.

早期先天性梅毒,可以通过皮肤或粘膜损害处刮片发现梅毒苍白螺旋体。Inchoate congenital syphilis, can blow a discovery through the skin or harm of mucous membrane caustic syphilis is cadaverous helicoid.

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临床检查发现,急性型再障的临床体征表现为贫血面容,睑结膜及甲床苍白。Clinical examination discovers, acute again the clinical body of barrier asks for expression to be anaemic countenance, eyelid conjunctiva and armour bed are cadaverous.

他们有一种异常焰目、超乎自然的美,这使它们跟灰白色的小鳕鱼和黑线鳕相比,不啻天渊之别,然而后者的名誉,却传遍了街道。They possess a quite dazzling and transcendent beauty which separates them by a wide interval from the cadaverous cod and haddock whose fame is trumpeted in our streets.

因此,相对于皮肤来说,观察甲床、口腔粘膜和眼结膜的苍白,对判断贫血的存在则更有临床价值。Accordingly, to the skin, those who observe mucous membrane of armour bed, oral cavity and eye conjunctiva is cadaverous , anaemic to judgement existence has clinical value more.