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他的母亲是个打字员。His mother was a typist.

她至多是个称职的打字员。At best she is an adequate typist.

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她向打字员口授信稿。She dictated a letter to a typist.

刚来的打字员是个熟手。The new typist is green at her job.

基蒂仇视那个年轻的打字员。Kitty was down on the junior typist.

我是一个打字员,也是一个文字编辑。I work as a typist and a copy editor.

她在一家律师事务所当打字员。She worked as a typist in a law firm.

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吉塔找到了一份在学校里做打字员的工作。Geeta got a job in a school as a typist.

他代替做这个办公室的打字员。He substituted as the typist in the office.

他批评了打字员的粗心。He reproached the typist for her carelessness.

雇个临时打字员有什么用呢?。What 's the point of hiring a temporary typist?

这家出版公司正在登广告招聘一名打字员。The publishing firm was advertising for a typist.

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打字员在打字机上劈劈啪啪地打出一篇文章。The typist clicks out an article on a typewriter.

我们按现价或市场价支付打字员。We pay the go rate or the market rate for typist.

打字员以典范的风致在钢琴上呼奏“台风”。The typist plays Typhoon on the piano in a typical style.

可在短短时间内完成这一长长的文章。A good typist can finish typing the long article in a short while.

那个打字员因粗心大意受到监督人的训诫。The typist received an admonition from the supervisor for being careless.

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他总是先将手稿仔细检查一遍再交给打字员。He always checked the manuscript over carefully before passing it to the typist.

打字员也许希望继续使用二个空格,但排版设计者应该不再使用。The typist may wish to continue using two spaces after a period, but the typographer should not.

不管你是个打字时得看着键盘的打字员还是个打字高手,都难免犯错。Whether you're a hunt-and-peck typist or a Rachmaninoff of the keyboard, you will make mistakes.