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曙光映红了天空。The aurora flushed into the sky.

奥罗拉当然还是睡着了。Sure enough, Aurora falls asleep.

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奥罗拉从不叫戴娜的名字。Aurora was not calling Dana's name.

爱洛公主被魔咒镇住了。Princess Aurora is under a magic spell.

这些光亮造就了我们所看到的极光。The light creates the aurora that we see.

今早刚看到这神奇的极光。Just saw some amazing aurora this morning.

所以不要被北极光给蒙蔽了双眼。And don't let the aurora borealis fool you.

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他找到了爱洛公主。她被魔咒镇住了。He finds Aurora. She's under a magic spell.

达拉斯和约翰·希顿,极光图片社Photograph by Dallas and John Heaton, Aurora

北极光合伙人邓峰认为。Deng Feng of aurora borealis copartner thinks.

菲力浦王子来了。他想救爱洛公主。Here's Prince Phillip. He wants to save Aurora.

堀圭一是欧若拉冰船的船长。Keiichi Hori is captain of the icebreaker "Aurora".

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在极光下方隐约可见密集的云层。Dense cloud cover is dimly visible below the aurora.

在喜气洋洋的老年有着一种无以名之的曙光。There is an indescribable aurora in beaming old age.

2001年的极光是该重新设计产品。The 2001 Aurora is the product of that re-engineering.

该图所示的是摄于挪威乌尔斯约德山上的北极光。The aurora borealis over mountains in Ulsfjord, Norway.

他和欧若拉的儿子进行了一场难分难解的鏖战。He and the son of Aurora inextricably linked to a fight.

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北极光也许是地球上最伟大的表演。The aurora borealis might be the greatest show on earth.

这是黄昏的夕阳,我们却当做震旦的旭日。This is the evening sunset, we are the rising sun as aurora.

极光的颜色通常是绿色和红色,在晚上可以看到。Frequent color is green and red. Aurora can be seen at night.