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测紫外线变色化妆镜遇阳光中紫外线时会变色。Mirror test case of UV color when the sun UV discoloration.

维生素K能够帮助减少污点和外观毛细血管。Vitamin K is helpful in reducing discoloration and the appearance of capillaries.

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天然的酸会溶解掉汗里面让衣服变黄的碱性成分。The natural acid dissolves alkaline sweat reside that could cause yellow discoloration.

你可以使用我们的自然清楚,以消除暗斑,甚至皮肤口气和皮肤变色。You can use our NATU-CLEAR to remove dark spots, even skin tone and skin discoloration.

银杏可改善血循环和减少静脉变色。Ginkgo's ability to improve blood circulation and reduce the discoloration of varicose veins.

今天,人们谈鸟色变。尤其是庄户人,更是咬牙切齿。Today, people talking bird discoloration. Especially the peasant, is gnash the teeth in anger.

由于一些常见的食物可能会导致牙齿变色,所以你得注意你所吃的东西。There's another reason to watch what you eat – some common foods can cause tooth discoloration.

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对泡桐材变色类型的研究表明,泡桐材变色存在着真菌变色。It was determined that discoloration of paulownia wood resulted from fungi except other reasons.

一周做两次不仅可以使你的手滑嫩,还可以改善手的皮肤色泽!Do this twice a week. This method will not only give you soft hands but also remove discoloration.

水溶性药物盐酸雷尼替丁极易吸湿变色,其造粒和包衣操作存在一定的难度。Ranitidine hydrochloride, a water-soluble drug, is easy absorb moisture and produce discoloration.

另外,如果过滤时需要脱色,还需加入一定比例的活性碳。Moreover, add active carbon of some proportion if discoloration is needed in the filtration course.

蒸汽清洗油管可能导致混浊或变色这将不会影响其性能。Steam-cleaning tubing may result in clouding or discoloration which will not affect its performance.

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由此可见,这两种清漆的直接涂饰对抑制染色单板的光变色作用不明显。The laws of light-induced discoloration of untreated veneers and directly-painted veneers are similar.

这些病人在大腿皮肤上的变色程度都不一样。These patients are unique in that the skin discoloration occurs on patients' thighs and is asymmetrical.

如果有褶皱,检查下褶皱处不容易修复的褪色部位。While there may be wrinkles, check between the wrinkles for discoloration that cannot easily be repaired.

在另一案例中,一位弗吉尼亚的法律系学生也因腿部的斑点状变色而寻求治疗。Another case involved a Virginia law student who sought treatment for the mottled discoloration on her leg.

这款功能强大的乳液能持续对抗衰老,平滑细纹,减少暗斑。This powerful serum continuously fights the aging process by smoothing fine lines and reducing discoloration.

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找到一种用曲酸和视黄醇以及一种温和的类固醇为配方的淡化色素的产品。Find a product that uses kojic acid with hydroquinone and retinol-A and a mild steroid to lighten discoloration.

这款精华霜能够紧致皮肤,淡化色斑和和老年斑,同时改善粗糙的皮肤,使之细滑如新。This rich cream promises to firm the skin and reduce discoloration and age spots while smoothing away roughness.

但有些保洁公司的蜡使用不当,会与地板表面漆质发生反应,引起变色。But some companies wax bin improper use, of floor surface along with the quality response, causing discoloration.