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它不需要全体一致同意。It does not require unanimity.

黑客不傻,而众口一词在他们的世界里是很罕见的现象。Hackers are not stupid, and unanimity is very rare in this world.

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市场经济和股票市场中最忌统一思想。Unanimity is the biggest no-no in market economy and stock market.

你无需费力就能发现众国一致回应袭击的原因。You do not have to look far to find the reasons for the unanimity of response.

在充满争执的阅读理论界里,大家对上一观点的看法是一致的。Within the contentious world of reading theory, there is unanimity on this point.

尽管人们的意见毫无二致,不过他也有些有失体面的花钱习惯。Despite the unanimity of this opinion, he possessed some unbecoming spending habits.

这种涉及到全体一致同意的总规则是对国家主权的承认。This general regulation concerning unanimity was the recognition of national sovereignty.

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几乎每次讨论都会有意见不合的情形产生,别期待全体一致、毫无异议。In almost every discussion there is bound to be some disagreement. Don't expect unanimity.

用吉文斯变换法解算误差方程的结果与用最小二法解算的结果是一致的。The result iS unanimity to solve error equations using Givens Transformations and using the least square method.

当然,员工的一致同意和畅销药品的批准将不再如此多分歧。Certainty, staff unanimity and even the approval status of big-selling medicines are no longer so black and white.

不论关于芽孢在自然界中的作用,或有关芽孢形成的原因,都没有一致的看法。There is no unanimity of opinion either of spore function in nature or of the factors concerned in spore formation.

除了对联机服务的费用有所考虑,会议就其效率问题取得了完全的一致。While there is some concern over the cost of on-line services, there is complete unanimity as to their effectiveness.

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显然关于猪流感病毒和其他病毒的流行间歇期生存问题的意见尚不一致。It is evident that there is not unanimity concerning the interepidemic survival of swine influenza and other influenza viruses.

部长理事会内大量使用一致通过表决制,影响着共同外贸政策制定与执行的效率。The decision-making mechanism"unanimity" in the Council of Ministers has fairly much impact on the CCP policymaking and execution.

尽管水体初始酸度差别很大,但土-水体系在淹水后酸度迅速趋于一致。Though water body initial acidity differed significantly, soil-water system acidity reached unanimity rapidly after flooding water.

用人单位与劳动者协商一致,可以订立以完成一定工作任务为期限的劳动合同。Employers and workers may conclude labor contracts with a period to complete the prescribed work upon unanimity through consultation.

可是暴动又使天空阴云密布,使那次为人们一致欢庆的革命在争吵中大为减色。They made the cloudy sky reappear. They caused that revolution, at first so remarkable for its unanimity , to degenerate into a quarrel.

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司法实践中对无效保证合同的缔约过失责任认识极不统一,有的甚至把它混同于有效的保证责任。In the practice of judicature, there is a severe lack of unanimity of opinion on contracting fault liability in valid guarantee contract.

后期四个剧本着力于公义与私情的调适,以期达到兼美的理想境域。Four theatrical works in the later stage focuse on reaching unanimity between public service and his own interests, and the double beautiful.

随着公司数量的增多和公司规模的膨胀,“全体一致原则”大大阻碍了经济的发展。Along with company quantity increasing with the company scale inflation, "the unanimity principle" has hindered the economical development greatly.