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她身材苗条。Her figure is svelte.

远处还有一位身披白纱的贵妇,娉婷而来。A lady wears white yarn tippet, svelte coming from a distance.

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难道当年的折辱仇恨已经消淡了?Those early years' folding Ru old dislike have already excluded svelte?

紧跟其后的是名模凯特·莫斯,她同样拥有漂亮的身材。排名第三的是美国歌手碧昂斯。But svelte supermodel Kate Moss takes second place followed by US singer Beyonce.

最苗条的人是意大利人,只有十分之一的意大利人是胖子。At the svelte end of the scale are the Italians, with only one in 10 termed as obese.

即使减肥手术也并不能让人永远保持苗条的体型。Even weight-loss surgery doesn't always help people maintain their more svelte physiques.

六哥抬头看着田宏那瘦削的脸颊。Six elder brothers escalator up head to looking at farmland great cheeks of that very svelte.

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我想我已经知道一些这样的人——她们一直吃垃圾食品,保持着苗条的身材。I think I’ve known some of these women — they eat junk food all the time and stay super svelte.

苗条的酒店套房是一个豪华的个人,在新德里的繁荣该地区的现代化酒店。Svelte Hotel & Personal Suites is a luxurious, modern hotel in New Delhi's thriving Saket area.

裁剪得体的红色礼服突出其纤细苗条的体态,同时又和她浅色的肌肤和秀发交相辉映。Her red fitted gown showed off her svelte figure, while also complementing her light hair and skin.

她戴上帷帽,打开房门,看向来人,是大柱子和丹菲二人。She put above a Wei cap and open gate and see a person routinely, is svelte huge post and Dan 2 human.

在排球场或者靶场你会想让自己看起来活力十足,而在酒吧或卧室里,你会希望自己更柔媚一些。You might want to be fierce on the volleyball court or shooting range, and svelte at a bar or in the bedroom.

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当他的体重达到300磅的时候,萨克森意外发现了书的封面上刊登了他的旧照-那苗条的身材。As his weight approached 300 pounds, Saxen happened across a book with a photo of his old, svelte body on the cover.

虽已不再苗条,但如果她胆敢诱惑我的话,她此刻的性感简直可以力压任何模特。Well, she isn't svelte anymore but she can floor any model worth her oomph, literally now, if she dares to entice me.

我们的一切,在一台PC是一个完美的平台,对于那些在寻找的作风和业绩在一个纤巧,节省空间的设计。Our All-In-One PC is the perfect platform for those looking for style and performance in a svelte space savings design.

放两片口香糖在嘴里反复咀嚼,你渴望吃到薄荷饼的愿望就会消失,而你的腰身就会保持苗条,或至少维持现状。Your craving for Peppermint Patties will disappear and your waistline will remain svelte. Or at least the size it is now.

国际名模海蒂,克拉姆——保持了苗条的体型——于2005年嫁给了著名歌手希尔,这对夫妇一直守着爱的誓言。Model Heidi Klum – who has retained her svelte figure – married singer Seal in 2005 and they have repeatedly renewed their vows.

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轻轻透过腿缝,清晰地看到那一张张意气薄发的脸上,瞬间变得一脸菜色。Lightly seam via the leg, apparently see in the face of that piece idea morale svelte cilia, in a twinkling become one face cuisine.

意大利女高音拉法埃拉安杰莱蒂有钢铁般的声音和苗条的数字,为了戏剧女高音的天空高音域的作用罕见。Italian soprano Raffaella Angeletti has a steely voice and a svelte figure, rare for the role of dramatic soprano with a sky-high vocal range.

在展出中,HIC透露了它们的图形输入板,一个称之为飞鸟的小型装置,这个装置有一根触针,与新软件一起装配在手机上。At the show, HTC revealed its first tablet, a svelte device called the Flyer, that comes with a stylus and is outfitted with new software offerings.