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加洛韦女士在首都工作。Ms. Galloway works in the nation's capital.

加洛韦教授说,动物性蛋白质起着巨大作用。Professor Galloway says animal protein plays a big part.

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尽管其所谓的完美,加洛韦引擎没有繁荣。Despite its alleged perfection, the Galloway engine did not prosper.

加洛韦给了拉瑟一套她称之为扑克选手核心装备的东西。Galloway gave Rather what she called the poker player's essential kit.

因此,加洛韦教授和其他研究人员开发出一种氮足迹计算器。So Professor Galloway and other researchers have developed a nitrogen footprint calculator.

从历史和进步的蒸汽机由利亚加洛韦&卢克赫伯特,伦敦1830年。From The History and Progress of the Steam Engine by Elijah Galloway & Luke Hebert, London 1830.

自2002年以来,加洛韦一直专注于富裕的汉考克公园和好莱坞山地区的住宅房地产。Since 2002, Ms. Galloway has specialized in residential real estate in the affluent Hancock Park and Hollywood Hills areas.

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探员哈利·特罗比塔斯说,43岁的阿兰·格兰特已经于周五,也就是他在盖洛威郊区实行银行抢劫的两天后认罪。Agent Harry Trombitas said 43-year-old Alan Garrett turned himself in Friday, two days after the bank holdup in suburban Galloway.

苏格兰柯库布里的加洛威野生动物保护公园内,一只刚刚出生4个星期的双胞胎粉红小熊猫接近摄像机镜头,正眨巴、眨巴大眼睛看这个世界呢!One of the two 4-week-old twin red pandas gets close to the camera at Galloway Wildlife Conservation Park near Kirkcudbright in Scotland.

这是英国工党议员加罗威上个月秘访伊拉克并会见总统萨达姆时发现的。British Labour MP George Galloway revealed the secret after a recent meeting with Saddam Hussein, according to the report of Ananova website.

加洛韦教授说,动物性蛋白质起着巨大作用。他举了用氮肥喂养牲畜的例子。Professor Galloway says animal protein plays a big part. He points to the example of cattle that are given feed grown with nitrogen fertilizer.

加洛韦也在同她的兄弟在新奥尔良尝试经营冷冻酸奶店,但她说,她仍然认为自己首先是一名房地产经纪人。Ms. Galloway is also exploring a frozen-yogurt franchise with her brother in New Orleans, but says she still considers herself primarily a Realtor.

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这给了塔林•安•加洛维一个独特机会看看额外两年的教育如何影响学生的智力发育。That gave Taryn Ann Galloway a unique opportunity to see what impact the extra two years of education had on the intellectual development of students.

佛吉尼亚大学教授吉姆。盖洛威称复合氮肥是一项伟大的发明,因为它增加了粮食产量。University of Virginia professor Jim Galloway calls synthetic nitrogen fertilizer, a" wonderful inventionbecauesbecause it increased food production."

加洛韦说,作为这一信仰的新成员,他对穆斯林社区的看法可能不同于那些在该信仰传统中长大的人们的观点。Galloway said that as a newer member of the faith, his view of the Muslim community is probably different from that of people who grew up with its traditions.

加罗威形容伊拉克的领导人对英国产品的钟爱之情,“塔里克·阿齐兹每顿饭都要下一点HP沙司,每次坐在他身边都能看见HP沙司。”Mr Galloway has described how such affection for Britishness extends far beyond the leader. "Tariq Aziz puts HP Sauce on every dinner, " he said. "There's HP Sauce every time you sit down with him.