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他推着手推车沿街卖鱼。He peddled fish from a pushcart.

客房打扫房间的时候推的手推车上都放有那些东西?。Do you how many things on the pushcart?

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客房打扫房间的时候推的手推车上都放有那些东西?Do you know how many things on the pushcart?

我记得一天晚上看见他正站在手推车旁边。I remember meeting him one evening with his pushcart.

用手推车带小孩去购物很方便。A pushcart is a handy way to take a young child shopping.

我的姐夫在手推车的设计上做的非常好。My brother-in-law did a great job with the pushcart design.

我去推一辆行李车,您到行李提取处那等我吧。I'll get a pushcart and meet you over there at the Luggage Claim.

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烘山芋是这个城市里最健康的小吃之一,它们一般在冬天被放在手推车里贩卖。Usually sold out of a pushcart until summer, they are one of the healthiest snacks in town.

设计包括两大方面,其中之一是自动行走部分,另一部分为手臂的运转。Design includes two big aspects, one is pushcart move part , the other is the operation of arm.

你可以想象当我姐姐和姐夫请我去帮忙他的领带手推车生意的时候我是多么左右为难吗?Imagine my dilemma when my sister and brother-in-law asked me to help out at his neckties pushcart?

阿富汗的喀布尔街头,一个卖手表的小商贩在他自己手绘的手推车那卖着手表。A watch vendor works within the confines of his hand-painted pushcart on a street in Kabul, Afghanistan.

推小车的小贩们兜售着从鱿鱼干儿到熟芒果的各种东西,背旅行包的游客和开着小小的三轮嘟嘟车司机们砍价。Pushcart vendors hawk everything from dried squid to ripe mangoes, and backpackers haggle with tuk-tuk drivers for a ride in their tiny, three-wheeled taxis.

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推小车的小贩们兜售着从鱿鱼干儿到熟芒果的各种东西,背旅行包的游客和开着小小的三轮嘟嘟车司机们砍价。Pushcart vendors hawk everything from dried squid to ripe mangoes , and backpackers haggle with tuk-tuk drivers for a ride in their tiny, three-wheeled taxis.

去年一个造成,很多小贩、脚踏车车夫和民工挤在一家糖果店后面一个小而且暗的庙里,他们的孩子都有这种斑点,或者正在康复。One morning last year, pushcart vendors, rickshaw drivers and laborers whose children had rashes or were recovering from them lined up in a small, dingy temple, tucked behind a candy shop.

手推车等车辆产品作为公司的主要产品之一,其质量优良、制造工艺先进、表面经过特殊的防锈处理,美观且耐腐蚀。Supermarket Pushcart is one of our main products, which has superior quality, leading manufacturing processes. The surface is anti-rust processed and thus beautiful and corrosion resistant.