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总是难达到满意的效果,并常见复发。Always inaccessibility satisfaction effect, and common recrudescence.

但是,看医生难让早发现更加困难。But the inaccessibility of doctors makes early detection more difficult.

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这种情况有时也可能出现,但不会成气侯。This still happens sometimes, but not usually to the point of inaccessibility.

哈德贝里认为,问题在于圣安东尼奥航空运输不太便利。The problem, according to Mr Hardberger, is San Antonio's comparative inaccessibility by air.

虽然旅途艰险且费用高昂,但每年依然有25,000人次赴南极大陆旅游。Despite its inaccessibility and the extreme cost of a trip, about 25,000 tourists visit Antarctica each year.

它的猛烈的急流,美丽的风景和难以接近使得高利河在世界漂流中名列第七。Its vigorous rapids, scenic quality and inaccessibility combine to rank the Gauley River number seven in the world.

洪都拉斯大多数主要的森林都被砍伐了,但莫斯基蒂亚地区却因道路不通而得到了保护。Most of the main honduran forests are being cut down but the mosquitia region has been protected by its inaccessibility.

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尽管地处偏远,交通不便,但社区居民设法为一项供水工程运来120袋水泥。Despite the inaccessibility and transport hurdles, the communities managed to haul 120 bags of cement for a water project.

廷巴克图是一个很适合发明信片的地方,不过它的声名更多得自于它的不可亲近,而非什么都可以做。Timbuktu is a great place to send a postcard from but its fame lies more in its inaccessibility than in anything there is to do there.

有专家指出,“指望通过出口的顺差拉动经济,看来已经很难达到”。Some experts pointed out that "counted on through the export favorable balance drawing economy, looked like already very inaccessibility ".

不过,这些营养素对孩子大脑发育的作用是综合体现的,单补充任何一种都很难达到效果。However, these nutrients are the synthesis manifest to the child cerebrum growth's function, supplements any very inaccessibility effect only.

源于1777年革命政府于春田市设立的兵工厂,位置的选择有部分原因是英国军力无法接近。It grew out of an arsenal established in Springfield by the Revolutionary government in 1777, the site being chosen partly for its inaccessibility to British forces.

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由于无法获取独立坐标系的椭球、投影等相关参数,直接使用GPS就有困难。It is difficult to directly employ the GPS owing to the inaccessibility of the ellipsoidal parameters and projection parameters of the independent coordinate systems.

而现在称为亚马逊流域的这个偏远地区难以进入,也意味著长期以来关于早期河流与周围森林的理论,顶多是靠推测的。The inaccessibility of this remote region, now called Amazonia, meant that long-held theories about the early days of the river and surrounding forest were speculative at best.

缅甸军政府最初表示它将接受外界的救援,但设置了很多条件,这样可以通过的救援就少得可怜。Delays in delivering relief to the victims, the inaccessibility of the stricken areas and the poor state of Burma's infrastructure and health systems mean that number is sure to rise.

由于文学文本具有一定的未定性,原文本作者的意图不完全可知,因此,译者不可避免地要运用自己的前理解对原文本进行解读。Due to the indeterminacy of the source text and the inaccessibility of the author's intention, the translator has to interpret the source text with the interference of his pre-understanding.

笔者对他人的经验感知进行表述时,由于他人经验的低可及性,视角框架的选取、构建肯定与第一人称不同。Because of the inaccessibility of others' mental experience, it is presumed that the process of perspective framing in reporting others' experience must be different from the first person narration.