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他向这位女作家点点头。He bowed to the authoress.

丁玲是一位有着强烈自我更新愿望的女作家。Ding Ling is an authoress with a strong hope of self-renewal.

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女作家将所有涉及其家族的内容全删掉。The authoress has edited out all references to her own family.

萨娜是于九十年代初走上文坛的达斡尔族当代女作家。Sana is a authoress of Daur who began her writing in early 1990's.

本篇论文所要研究的是英国维多利亚时代一名杰出的女作家。What this thesis studies is a remarkable authoress of British Victoria era.

女性惯于用这些词语来加强语气,增加语言力度。The authoress is used to using these words to strengthen the tone and language strength.

本篇论文所要研究的是一位杰出的美国犹太作家辛格。What this thesis studies is a remarkable authoress of America Jewish Isaac Bashevis Singer.

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前不久,我去了一趟女作家萧红的故乡———呼兰河畔的呼兰县。Not long ago, I went to authoress Xiao Hong's homeland-Hulan County at the side of the Hulan River.

张抗抗是中国当代文学史上不可多得的思考型的女作家。Zhang Kangkang is a broodier and rare authoress of the contemporary era coprology history of China.

女作家阿翘刚从泰国苏美岛结束满月派对,返台后随即逃家。Authoress A Qiaogang ends full moon clique to be opposite from Thailand Su Meidao, the immediately after returning a stage escapes.

有人认为语言中有一些属于女性专用的词汇是男性不愿意使用的,如强势词。Some people believe that there are some words for the authoress in language that the author is unwilling to use, such as strong words.

我认为,我再自负,也只能自吹是敢于当女作家的最孤陋寡闻,最不学无术的女人。I think I may boast myself to be, with all possible vanity, the most unlearned and uninformed female who ever dared to be an authoress.

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当代著名女作家池莉,一直密切关注时代文化潮流的走向和社会生活的变化。The famous contemporary authoress Chili always pay attention to the series changes in life and the tendency of the contemporary culture tide.

旅美华裔女作家严歌苓被誉为是二十世纪九十年代以来海外最具实力、也是最具影响力的新移民作家之一。As an American citizen of Chinese origin, the authoress Yan Geling is praised as one of the most powerful "new emigration writers" since the 1990s.

弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫是20世纪英国杰出女作家,意识流小说的重要代表人物,女权主义批评家。Virginia Woolf, the famous English authoress in the end of 20th century, is one of the most important representatives of the stream-of-consciousness novel, and also a feminism critic.

由此,我们透过单士厘凝视的目光,以观看她如何接受明清以来的女作家及其书写谱系的建构。Therefore, we through Shan Shili of sight of gazing, in order to watch how she accept the authoress since Ming and Qing dynasty and writing the building and constructing of the pedigree.