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使民众把生死看得很重,而不往远处迁徒。Pay great attention to death, so people do not emigrate.

他说如果他的孩子们再大点的话他就会移居国外。He said that if his children were older he would emigrate.

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在你移居国外前必须履行某些手续。You have to go through certain formalities before you can emigrate.

我宣布要移民去澳大利亚时,所有人都惊呆了。Everybody was flabbergasted when I announced I was going to emigrate to Australia.

但是我也想知道,他们中有多少人已在计划毕业之后移居外国。But I also wondered how many of them were already planning to emigrate upon graduation.

当他们体验了美国的生活,周说,一些人就想移民。When they've gotten a taste of American life, Zhou says some people do want to emigrate.

美国不具备众多的海外居民,因为土生土长的美国人很少永久移民到其他国家。It does not have much of a diaspora, since native-born Americans seldom emigrate permanently.

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没人能肯定到欧洲移民是个明智的决定,只有时间会告诉你答案。No one is certain if it is wise to emigrate to Europe. It will only become clear in the future.

她的父母是“移民拒签者”-在申请移民时遭到拒绝的市民,通常是犹太人。Her parents were “refuseniks” — citizens, usually Jews, whose requests to emigrate were refused.

还有人表示,如果有机会,许多批评者都会立马跳出来,像飞蛾扑火一样移民。Another said that many of the critics would leap at the chance to emigrate like a moth to the flame.

阿诺德在英国找不到一份象样的工作,因此他决定停止努力,移居加拿大。Arnold can't get a decent job in England and so he's decided to shut up shop and emigrate to Canada.

因此,似乎是某种特定的“幸福缺乏症”推动了中国富人移民国外。It thus appears that it is a certain "lack of well—being" that is pushing wealthy Chinese to emigrate.

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所以,由于一些人出境移居,移民输送国很可能要蒙受财政的净损失。The sending country, then, may very well suffer a net public-finance loss from having people emigrate.

东欧的政治剧变打开了移民的泄洪闸,成千上万的人急于移民他国。Political changes in eastern Europe opened the floodgates to thousands of people who wished to emigrate.

我的朋友,护士,她的名字在一个技术人员候补名单里,她要等两年才能去澳大利亚做护工。My friend, a nurse, is on a two-year waiting list to emigrate to Australia on their skilled workers' programme.

他全家计划移居瑞典。但最后,沃莱本说服了拥有这片森林的市政当局。The family planned to emigrate to Sweden. But it turned out that Mr. Wohlleben had won over the forest's municipal owners.

Leckie称,"我们从其他国家中了解到的情况是,在男性人口多的社会中,要麽出现移民,要麽出现对抗.""What we know from other societies that have been male-dominated is that they either emigrate or they fight," Leckie said.

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可以肯定,在某种程度上认为古代罗马是帝国主义纽约的历史替身让他移民意大利。It was surely, in part, a sense that imperial New York's historical double is ancient Rome that made him emigrate to Italy.

该研究发现在西非法语区公共卫生系统最差的地区,医务工作者也最不可能移民。The study found the worst public healthcare systems in French-speaking West Africa, where staff are less likely to emigrate.

如果你呆在你出生的国家,这是不可能实现的,但如果你迁入一个网络虚拟世界,这一切都会很简单了。Impossible if you stay in the country of your birth, but simplicity itself if, instead, you emigrate to an online fantasy world.